Why I’m bullish on ZERO (0.exchange)

-It’s likely going to be a quintadex very soon. Likely one of the first on DOT. Sure there will be other Dexs launching there, but they won’t be as developed as ZERO at the time of launch and won’t have all of the bridges from other ecosystems to bring new people’s assets in. Zero is going to be like the Manhattan of dot. Bridges coming from everywhere trying to get into the action. That alone is enough to be super bullish.

-IDO launchpad aka ZERO GRAVITY :wink: projects with multi chain aspirations will be able to list their projects on ZERO and have functional bridges at the time of launch. Look at the recent launches of AIOZ and BLES. Huge price disparities and no way to arbitrage between Eth and BSC. Those projects will also be listed for initial farming with a zero pair bringing in lots of new volume and TVL. Most other dex tokens are merely governance tokens. Zero will have much more utility by having to hold for IDO tiers.

-Added features such as pro charting, limit orders and maybe even leverage trading, insurance via bridge mutual

-They are building their own wallet to bring all of this functionality together. To seamlessly switch between chains without having to load Custom RPCs for multiple different EVMs and mess with the different gas settings, etc. There is talk of adding 2FA to this wallet as well.

Edit: I forgot to add one of the most important parts. ZERO is setting up a foundation. With that foundation they are going to onboard well known “Public Faces” that can market the project and bring it credibility.

2nd Edit: There are just so many development on this project it’s hard to keep track of it all. ZERO is also going to have an NFT marketplace with aspirations of cross chain NFT transfers. Also thinking of an innovative approach with an “Artist in residence” feature.

3rd Edit: There are plans to add a deflationary mechanism to the tokenomics. Buy back and burn is one of the proposed mechanisms, but the actual implementation is yet to be implemented.

Is there any other DEX, Launchpad, or NFT project that offers all of that utility on one token? I don’t think so. This price action and the reasons for it are blips on the radar. You’re going to look at the charts in 6 months in linear scale and it’s going to look like price action for ants. Just freaking accumulate, farm and hodl. Let the devs build and we’ll all be rewarded in the end.


ZeroOwl ??- Will never DM you first !)