Why Cryptocurrency is a necessity for the future of currency.

The concept of money, transactions, and purchases is going through a drastic change in the recent years. This is going to drastically change the way things are exchanged. a lot of people will not be used to this change and may be against it. It may also confuse others. But in reality this change to money is a much better way of exchanging assets. Why? Here are some reasons below

  • Every single transaction will be recorded so you will know where your money went. 
  • It will make it nearly impossible for people to steal currency and be able to get away with it because it can be traced from location A to location B. that means crimes such as bank robberies will drop drastically most likely making it impossible to commit such crimes without getting caught
  • Transactions will be much more accurate and safer then physical currency was. 
  • You won't be able to "lose" digital currency as easy as you can with physical currency.
  • This will help save the environment in more then many ways thought possible
  • It will be pretty much impossible to make counterfeit currencies making transactions safer then ever before

As I wrote in a article before. The transition to digital assets will perhaps be difficult for many. The old ways of purchasing we are so used to will change in such a way there there may be a lot of backlash from people.

But in time once digital currency has completely taken over and physical currency will just be a thing of the past every single transaction will be safer, easier and more accurate then any concept of how currency was traded in the past. I can't wait until digital currency has established itself as the main way to exchange money. Digital currency is the future to look forward to. 

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I am still new to writing and I have absolute 0 experience or training in this category, However I want to make this a main focus, and perhaps a career in the future if I can master writing post and articles that actually contribute and help others.

Any tips or ideas on writing articles please don't be shy and let me know. You guys hold me up, even in my moments of deep despair. You all bring me hope and I appreciate it more then you can realize. Feel free to comment or post your opinions, good or bad. I hope you all stay safe and have a good time using digital currency.