Why Bitcoin as first pick.

According to a study bitcoin users crossed the 100 million number across the planet. Bitcoin is unique and different than the other assets like precious metals, gems , Jewels and gold. Users raise questions on different forum and platform especially those who are loyal to opponents of Bitcoin that why we should choose Bitcoin? 

I simply put my choice with arguments that why I like it and why BTC is my first choice. Bitcoin has more value then fiat in terms of its traits. 


A common user of crypto knows the Blockchain and it's functions but what is special to Bitcoin is it's all transactions are stored to blocks and each one linked to previous one. It is unmodifiable, no one can erase, modify or alter the transaction or its any component of information. Cryptography enables network nodes to verify each bitcoin transaction. The unmodifiable ability gives Bitcoin more trusted, reliable and transparent value which is prime factor key. 

We know that Bitcoin have hard cap of 21 millions , it means there will be never ever any BTC more then 21 million. It can't be changed unless the custodians not approved which is almost impossible. Fixed supply is key factor of bitcoin to have balance in demand/ supply. 

If we see the traits of assets especially gold and fiat we can judge easily that bitcoin is more secured asset then else.

Bitcoin covers more traits especially it's openly programming and decentralised feature making Bitcoin first pick then our fiat currency. Bitcoin proves best store of value, adoption and acceptance globally. 


The transaction system of Bitcoin is totally anonymous. No one can through the transaction history but yes can get maximum only sending/ recieving address and blocks chair. Can't access to asset in wallet because it requires private keys which knows ONLY the owner. The address of sender / receiver is not visible in any stage.


Bitcoin gives pure taste of ownership of wealth. We know that banks use our deposits in their interests. Bitcoin is with us anytime, anywhere and any ocean. 

I remember in 2021 I used BTC for a conversion transaction from Saudi Arabia on Friday ( banking holiday in Saudi Arabia)  far away from my home and bank. So Bitcoin becomes more trustworthy and reliable due to its decentralised feature. 


That's all for today. Like , tip and leave comment for feedback. 

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