What you need to know about the Jetcoin Institute...

Picture this: you were the lucky scout who discovered Lionel Messi out of one of the traditional poor argentine alleys about 25 years ago, sponsored him, and acquired a decent share of all of his sports contracts...

Or how about this: you were the guy who found out the "King of Pop" Michael Jackson, adopted him and shared him with his financial success...

How does that sound?


Some sort of daydreaming?

To me, it is akin to imagining investing in Bitcoin in 2009 when it was worth less than $0.01 and constantly holding it until today

Well, believe it or not, this article is to introduce you to a crypto project which turns that daydream into a reality...

  • What is the Jetcoin Institute?
  • Is there a real need for the Jetcoin Institute?
  • How Jetcoin intends to alter that evil landscape...
  • Jetcoin token
  • Who is the founder/CEO of Jetcoin?
  • Jetcoin and Football...Long history of love and support!
  • Conclusion

What is the Jetcoin Institute?

It is basically an ambitious vision to bridge up tomorrow's stars with their fanbase, leading them towards stardom and financial success. Fans, individuals, and regular people can directly choose their favorite future stars, sponsor them, and for the first time in history, benefit financially from their success. There is no need for intermediaries anymore. It is all done through a democratic and transparent manner recorded and underpinned by the public blockchain.

Is there a real need for the Jetcoin Institute?

At this point, you may be wondering whether such a system is really important to exist or is there a need for it in the first place?

After all, promising talents are already getting support from "talent management companies" so why do they bother to decentralize the process among the fans?

If a question like this is crossing your mind, then allow me to introduce you to the murky waters of the traditional management and sponsorship world...

In light of the world we live in, it has become very common to see the rich unfairly exploiting the poor, bank on them, and taking the lion's share of the pie. It's very normal that a skilled employee to work hard 12 hours a day for pennies while the manager raking in thousands of dollars for doing nothing but saying "hello" and "goodbye" at the conferences.

This is what's known as the "big fish eat small ones" theory. It's applicable anywhere and sports and entertainment spaces are no exception!

With millions of dollars relentlessly pouring into sport, musical, and art events and the explosion of both TV and the Internet, athletics, musicians, and artists have become like "idols" in the eyes of billions around the world. Many love to follow their lives, mimic their details, and just do what they are doing.

It is more than enough to know that Cristiano Ronaldo uses a special brand of shampoo for millions around the world to buy that brand too. He is a soccer player and his job has clearly nothing to do with any type of shampoo or hair caring at all, but hey, people don't really care that- they just love CR7 and loves just what he loves!

Seeing how much influence and power these stars have, lures in many "talent management companies" to step in. This type of company is always looking for new and raw talents to "pave the way" for them to stardom by implementing advertising and development plans to get those talents exposure, and of course, they are not doing so for the general good. Their main motivation is to acquire the a share of all their sponsored talent's contracts when they make it big

This may sound like a fair business model, but the ugly truth is that the vast majority of "talent management companies" are so greedy that they enslave talent rather than support them.

There has been no shortage of media news reports over the past years about cases where managers are unfairly exploiting young talent. In worst case, the manager might get the lion's share or even all of the proceeds from the talent's activities, and with the help of a dishonest lawyer, the talent could end up being out of the game

Most athletics, musicians, and artist have little experience in law and this often puts them in a weak position in front of managers

In most cases, they find themselves compelled to accept the fait accompli or be satisfied with the pennies that the manager may be "generous" to giveIt is not a conspiracy theory but a real problem that many talents have been suffering from for years.

  • One of the well-known examples is the boxing legend Mike Tyson who filed for bankruptcy and a $100 million lawsuit against his former manager and promoter in 2003. According to Tyson's lawyer, other people who Tyson was depending on to manage his financial affairs had ripped him off
     As a professional fighter, who relied on others to manage his affairs, he discovered that his debts far exceeded his assets
  • Another well-known example can be Beyonce firing her manager who was, by the way, her father after she thought that he had been stealing her money

    According to Beyonce:

“I’ve only parted ways with my father on a business level. He is my father for life, and I love my dad dearly. I am grateful for everything he has taught me

  • One more example is the Music legend Billy Joel who claimed to have been ripped off by his ex-brother-in-law Frank Weber who acted as his manager and easily siphoned $90 million from Joel.

    Billy Joel filed a lawsuit against Weber but only got $8 million back

It goes without saying that what I've mentioned here is barely the tip of the iceberg of thousands or maybe millions of athletes, artists, musicians...etc having been exploited by their management companies

Just a simple search on Google is enough to realize how dark that business is- something that has made it crucial for an alternative system to come up and alter the landscape...

How Jetcoin intends to alter that evil landscape...

The mechanism of the Jetcoin system is so simple and straightforward, yet unheard and revolutionary in its scope.

The Institute plays the role of a scout looking for new, raw and exciting talents. They might be young kids playing soccer in a traditional alley, young singers performing on a humble stage, or any promising talent related to sports, music, and entertainment.

Those untapped talents are like potential golden mines and acquiring a share of their future success is like acquiring a goose that lays golden eggs. Once Jetcoin Institute finds such talent, they make an agreement in which Jetcoin compiles development and marketing plans to help these talents get more exposure and coverage and develop their skills. In return, the talents grant a portion of their Image Rights to the Jetcoin Institute, then the Jetcoin Institute releases interactive multimedia NFT cards for those talents aka " Jetcoin Champions"

JETNFT cards are available on Mintable.app where EVERYBODY can buy and participate in the "crowdfunding" of stars and get a share of their image rights.

Unless you've been living under a rock for the last year or so, you are certainly aware of how revolutionary the NFT space has become.

Through the non-interchangeability feature, NFT items give their owners a credible value transparently recorded on the immutable blockchain.

Jetcoin developed a top-notch technology to support talent by issuing NFT cards that can be associated with photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital files as unique items

Fans can purchase those NTF cards and by doing so they actually obtain a share of the image rights of their preferred star and help crowdfund the marketing and development plans that Jetcoin Institute is implementing.

As talents mature within their respective fields, the value of their image rights increase, translating into rewards for the fans holding the NFTs. This way, talents who have become "Jetcoin champions" can tell greedy management companies to pound sand, and most importantly, they have a direct bridge with their fans to share the success. At the same time, fans have the double pleasure of supporting their favorite stars and enjoying a share of their financial revenue!

You can see that Jetcoin presents a democratic, transparent, and blockchain-based strategy to lift up talents and fans. It's a win-win approach for all parties involved.

In the diagram below, I tried to illustrate the operation of sponsoring new stars with the Jetcoin institute ( chose an old picture of Messi as an example ?? )

Jetcoin token:

Jetcoin ($JET) is the "digital fuel" that gives fans and supporters in the world of sports and entertainment a grand opportunity to take advantage of the success of their favorite talents and stars. It's issued on both the Ethereum network as an ERC-20 token and BINANCE smart chain network as a BEP-20 token

Jet holders can use their JET as a governance token so they can vote for their favorite talents to be supported by the Jetcoin Institute.

Moreover, when a supported talent matures and succeed, a percentage of the proceeds from his/her endorsements and merchandising revenues can be airdropped to respective NFT cardholders through $JET token

JET hasn't performed all that well compared to other cryptocurrencies during the last bull market. This might have something to do with fact that it's still in development and not everyone in crypto knows about it. However, this may make it a golden opportunity for those who aware of what Jetcoin institute is doing and the great potentials it has for the coming years. If Jetcoin successfully progresses down that path, getting tokens now on the cheap might end up being like a steal a few weeks from now...

Who is the founder/CEO of Jetcoin?

An important thing to do when reviewing cryptocurrencies is to look carefully at the founder, or the leader.

Is he a legit person? Educated?

Does he have important relationships within the business world?

Does he have the charisma needed to promote the project and push into mass adoption?

Well...Jetcoin is the brainchild of Eric Alexandre, an entrepreneur who has more than 15 years of design and creative experience spanning TV, print, multimedia, and web for some of the world’s leading brands. According to his Linkedin profile, Eric has successfully worked with some high-profile brands which include Samsung, Panasonic, Volkswagen, Elite Models, BMW, JVC, and Daikin amongst others.

Eric holds several positions in multiple companies and entities which include:

  • An Executive Director of ikonmedia.io, a creative consultancy focused on supporting projects in the blockchain space [2005 - present]
  • An advisor for Global Crypto News [2019 - present]
  • An advisor for ATAYEN, Inc [2018 - present]
  • Creative Director for Elite Model Look [2010 - 2013]
  • Last but not least, the founder and spearheader of the Jetcoin Institute, an organization aimed at financing and sponsoring of young promising athletes and artists through a new cryptocurrency called ‘Jetcoin’.

Jetcoin and Football...Long history of love and support!

When talking about the crypto project, I always care about one thing and that is the real use case of the said project. You know how the saying goes "it is not about technology, it is about the application of the technology". It basically means that it doesn't matter much to have a sophisticated white paper, robust road map, or nice team. What really matters is to have a legit application for the project in the real world.

Well... in the case of Jetcoin institute, what I found was just mind-blowing, to say the least. It is no doubt doing really well especially in the football space.

Why football?

Well... it is easily the most famous sport in the world and its champions have so great influence that in some cases are considered as national heroes for their countries. So, it does make sense that Jetcoin institute dedicates much effort and resources to go deeply into the soccer waters- something that should get Jetcoin an astonishing global exposure in the foreseeable. I love examples, so let me give you a few...

  • Just last month, It was announced that Jetcoin had obtained sleeve sponsorship rights for Huddersfield Town A.F.C. for their FA Cup game against Burnley on January 8, 2022

    The Commercial Director of Huddersfield, Ian Birtley expressed appreciation and respect for Jetcoin Institute for their support:

We are delighted that Jetcoin has agreed to support our FA Cup journey with the sponsorship of our sleeve. Jetcoin is an exciting proposition within the blockchain space and we look forward to seeing the brand displayed on the sleeve and across our stadium digital assets for the remainder of the season

The CEO and founder of Jetcoin institute Eric Alexandre was also welcoming and optimistic about the new partnership:

“Being a sleeve sponsor of Huddersfield Town for this prestigious Emirates FA Cup game, together with digital sponsorship for the rest of the season, gives Jetcoin an unparalleled global exposure. We are looking forward to this exciting partnership!”

  • In 2018, Jetcoin institute became the new Secondary Shirt and Shorts Sponsor for Derby County (An England-based professional association football club)

    According to Ashley Peden, Head of Partnerships at Derby County:

Over the last few years, Jetcoin’s influence in the entertainment and sports industry has grown dramatically and we are delighted as a club that we are entering into a commercial agreement with them.

Jetcoin will feature prominently on our kits for the 2018/19 season and we believe this is the start of an exciting partnership between Derby County and Jetcoin.

  • Also in 2018, another English professional football club, Wigan Athletic F.C. got a boost from Jetcoin Institute after becoming a sleeve sponsor for the club

    Jonty Castle, head of business development at Wigan Athletic, said:

"We are delighted to have entered into this commercial partnership with Jetcoin, ahead of what promises to be an exciting evening at the DW Stadium.

This is the first time in the club’s history that we have secured an agreement with a sleeve sponsor, and we are very pleased to welcome Jetcoin into our club.”

  • 2015, Italian Serie A club Hellas Verona announced that it had become the first club in the world to accept Jetcoins in payment for sponsorship. According to its general manager,Giovanni Gardini:

“After weeks of strategic discussions with Jetcoin, we have full confidence in their solutions and that is why we are accepting Jetcoins as payment for club sponsorship"

  • In 2014, Jetcoin sponsored Italian Serie A club A.C. ChievoVerona, making it the first pro football team to be sponsored by a cryptocurrency.


It's no secret that our current world is full of inequality on so many levels. One of which is the talent management space which has become a hotbed of corruption in favor of big talent management companies at the expense of young talent and fans. Jetcoin institute steps in to put an end to that broken structure and build a fair link between talents and fans where both sides are winners.

On one hand, it gives loyal fans an opportunity to support their favorite talents and get rewarded for doing so. This is the first on record where fans can generate profits for supporting their stars. On the other hand, it grants raw talents a fair offer to get promoted and funded by releasing a share of their image rights.

On top of that, it's one of the few times where can we see a legitimate use case of the NFT technology, which in my opinion will have a tremendous on the way the talent management business operates.

Nobody knows for sure how the future of Jetcoin is going to be, but given how far it has come, I can't help but get bullish about the coming few years...

What do you guys think about the Jetcoin institute?

I'm keen to learn you opinion and thoughts...


Helpful links:

  • https://jetcoin.io/

  • @JTCinstitute

  • https://t.me/jetcoins

  • JetcoinInstitute

  • Litepaper https://jetcoin.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Litepaper.pdf

  • https://jetcoin.io/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/WhitePaperJetcoin-compressed.pdf