What will happen to the prices of Crypto if Biden/Trump get elected?

I got into this conversation with a colleague at work just wondering how the crypto market will react if either side is elected. I know we don’t have a decision yet but my stock portfolio has been up over $1000 both days so it got me thinking.....

What will happen to the price of Bitcoin, Etherium or any crypto For that matter if Biden does get elected and what do you think will happen if Trump gets elected? Will anything happen at all?

Like I said before I’m still really new to the crypto market and haven’t been following it for that long so I have a lot of questions. I saw the correlation between gold and bitcoin when Covid hit so I’m just wondering how an election will play a part in all this? Will people look for crypto as a “safe haven” Or will it get sold off into oblivion? 

Patiently waiting on your responses, Trey