We have to Resist to think shallow

We haven't seen any serious attack on Cryptoverse jet. But why? This is because the tfi-system is still convinced that it has the reins in its hands. More it will become insecure more attacks and interventions we can expect. 

Publish0x user bitcoin2009 put in his blog:

"I'm confident we win. The age of the Internet is just too powerful to police. It is far too costly to enforce as there are no fixed borders or jurisdictions."

As I have blogged in my post: Why open Blockchains matter old rigid structures have no chance to compete with the innovation on the open planes of the Internet. Innovation never get well behind the walls if you close all the gates. Closed doors mean that there is no exchange of goods and ideas, and only stagnation and decadence remain behind the walls.

The open planes of the Internet are the right place for Cryptoverse to take root, which needs to be decentralized. As flat structures they can expand well. They can grow to the arbitrary scales and sizes never to be conquered.

In 13th year of Bitcoin epoch (30th of Linux and 39th of the Internet) Innovation still advancing Bitcoin protocol for communicating value. The first of its kind.

Lightening network as the second solution is getting track and last BIP-s also show immense force of developers innovation making Lightening network even more private and secure.

Over ten thousand Crypto projects searching for new use cases from Ethereum programmable money, defi projects to NFTs. 

Knowledge is something that nobody can take away from us. We have to look on our gains as an interest on knowledge because uncertainty defeat every trader and speculator. Only patience and determination and an awareness of what you are doing are successful in the long run.

And when the markets are in nose dive and regulation is strangling us, we have to just zoom out the charts, set weekly candles and put a charts to the logarithmic scale. And things become more clear and easy to grasp.

Long term pattern of Bitcoin halvings cycles emerge before our eyes telling us that exponential growth is eminent when measuring Bitcoin in fiat money going to zero. This process is driven by inflationary economies managed by the states and central banks.

P = y^8.2 / (777 * y)

Is my approximation for a price in inflationary dollars for Bitcoin where y is a year counted from 2010 (y = 0) and P is a mean price of that particular year. So in 2022 (y = 12) this is P = $75.802,60 and next year (2023) P = $134.887,00.

In 2030 this formula spits out $2.999.127.00 almost three millions US dollars.

No my friends Crypto does not go to the moon just fiat is biting the dust.

But I'm not worried. My wealth gained by put energy into my work is preserved in Bitcoin

Bitcoin is energy. It is ultimate wealth preserver.

So folks, harvest knowledge, stack Satoshies and HODL for good!