Upland Introduction Guide

Have you ever wanted to buy property in San Francisco or own New York prime real estate? Ever wanted to amass a property empire and become a millionaire? Well now you can with Upland, an exciting new EOS blockchain secured metaverse where you can own virtual properties that are on real world maps! Read on for a quick guide to getting started on one of the fastest growing and exciting crypto games out there!    

History of Upland

Upland only started in 2019 with the launch of San Francisco and recently launched New York and Fresno last year. It's still quite early in the game so it's the perfect time to start playing and acquiring your property empire. Rapid expansions are coming to the East coast of USA with Brooklyn launching soon and rumours of Hong Kong or other international cities opening in the not too distant future.

How to start

Start by going to https://r.upland.me/8Hqb/ to register. Using this link will get you 4500 UPX (the in game currency) and a bonus of an extra 50% of your first purchase. It's my referral link so as a thank you I will also send you an Upland related NFT when you complete your first purchase (contact me on Discord to claim). Bonuses aside you can start playing for free and acquiring your property empire but it's always more fun with a little purchase to have more properties to own.

First steps

You will start by creating an account on iOS/Android/web. There are some useful introduction videos which you should watch, I will also run through a few of the basics. You will be asked to choose your block explorer - this is your character in Upland which will explore all around with you sending it to different properties. You can change this later so just chose one you like the look of for now.

Once you have logged in you will see your block explorer wandering about Upland. You don't control it as such, he wanders around randomly, but you can send him to a property where he will continue his random exploring. You will notice that the properties he has discovered around him are in different colours. Light green means that property is available (unminted) to purchase. Dark green properties have already been minted and are being sold by other Uplanders. Dark blue mans the property is already minted by another player. Grey colour means they are not available to mint yet or your block explorer is too far away from them.


You will see you have been given some UPX. UPX is the valuable in-game currency, DO NOT WASTE THIS. You use UPX to buy property in Upland and send your explorer around the map. You will earn UPX from any properties you own, if people visit your property or if you complete property collections. For now try to only spend this on properties.  

Buying your 1st Property

Find a light green property that you want to own and press on it. Now to buy it simply press the green buy button. Your property will now be minted to your account on the blockchain. Congratulations you are now on your way to building your own property empire.

A good tip to finding a low cost property is to use one of the great community websites where you can search for the cheapest unminted property. (Upland Data and UPX World)    



Now you have minted your first property, you have also completed your first collection. Collections reward players with an UPX bonus when you own a certain number of properties in a street/region/area etc. You also get a boost of earnings from the buildings you select for that collection.

So with your first property you can complete the Newbie collection. Simply select the property to put in the collection to claim your UPX and boost for your property. The next one to try and complete is probably The Fresno collection (any three properties in Fresno county) or the King of the Street collection (3 properties on one street). You can only use a property in one collection at any one time but can change them around at any time.    


Visitor fees

Every time someone sends their block explorer to a property they pay a visitor fee to the owner of that property. This is where you have to be on the look out when sending your explorer somewhere - it's worth looking around a few properties to get the lowest fee, this is especially important in San Francisco and New York as fees can get up to 100 UPX. It's best to avoid those, at least while new, and save that precious UPX for minting properties.

You can set your own visitor fees by clicking on the property and pressing the button with three dots then "Set Your Visitor UPX Fee". Here you can set the fee for that property or all of your properties in the city.  


Each day you are given three sends which you need to send your explorer to a property. In addition you can collect them around the map by pressing on the white aeroplane symbols. You can hold up to 11 at any one time and can collect 40 in any one day.

If you need to find some sends there is a useful tool on Upland Data where it will show you where your nearest send is to one of your properties. 


Uplander status

Everyone starts out as a Visitor in Upland. As a Visitor you have to log in and renew your visa at least every 7 days or you will lose all of your properties. Once you amass a property empire and UPX of over 10000 you will become an Uplander and full ownership of all of your properties will transfer to you permanently, secured by the blockchain. Also as an Uplander you can start to sell your properties.

You will remain an Uplander until you reach 100000 UPX when you become a Pro, then Director at 1M UPX when you will be given a custom block explorer. It's worth remembering that only Visitors and Uplanders can buy FSA properties so make sure to take advantage of this and buy & sell some while you can.



The best way to make some UPX is to sell some properties by flipping them for a profit. A good way to do this at first is to buy some low price FSA (Fair Start Act) properties which are reserved for new players (have FSA written on them) and list them for sale for a profit. Remember to list them high enough to make a profit after fees are taken but low enough to attract interest from the community. If they are part of a collection there should be a premium and if the area is sold out prices start to rise.


Treasure Hunts and Pinatas

A way to earn UPX is by finding treasure chests and pinatas in treasure hunts. This is very hard to do at first and will become easier as you have a network of properties all over the map. You find treasure in the hunt when your explorer is within a small distance. Every so often there are treasure chests and pinatas hidden on the map. You can get clues to where it is hidden by pressing on a property near your explorer. Each player also has one personal treasure chest they can find each day for free set against a timer. All of these hunts are fun to do but extremely hard for new players. You really need a network of properties spread out across the city to be able to do well.

Upland Data has made a very good video about how to hunt the treasure chests on YouTube which is definitely worth watching. (https://youtu.be/2gi7_v79vpc)



Every so often there are tours arranged. For an entry fee of about 2000 UPX you will be guided around Upland through a theme such as movies or culture. These are definitely worth doing as usually you get your entry fee back through treasures and pinatas found at each location and sometimes get a special limited edition NFT block explorer if you complete them. So definitely one to watch out for.



If you are getting tired of Fresno and want to venture to San Francisco you can do so by taking a train ride. Simply send your explorer to the train station then select the train you want to take. This will cost UPX so try to only do it when necessary. Your explorer will then be busy for about 30 minutes while you travel.

In San Francisco there is also an airport where you can fly to New York in a similar way. This is very expensive and takes a few hours when travelling.


Community sites

You should join the Upland Discord where there are regular challenges and updates. Make sure to check out the #community-projects-contests-tools channel where there are regular community led giveaways including properties and NFTs. 

There are two very good Upland shows worth listening to/watching - The UPX podcast and The Upland Action News on YouTube.

Upland Nights is also a good community led Discord about Upland which runs events; they were responsible for the recent Movie tour.

And remember if you have any questions just ask in the Upland Discord, everyone is very helpful.

Upcoming opportunities

Upland is still an early stage metaverse with exciting entertainment, business opportunities and NFT economy still to come. Building on your properties and mining/farming is coming soon too so plenty to look forward to. As the Upland community continues to grow, so will the available land in Upland so get in early and make your fortune in real estate, see you there soon!  

Key Pointers  

  • Register using this link https://r.upland.me/8Hqb/  for a 50% UPX bonus with your first purchase (Plus an Upland related NFT if you contact me in Discord)
  • UPX is a valuable in game currency - do not waste it on unnecessary sends
  • Complete collections for immediate bonuses and increased income
  • Buy low, sell high
  • Take part in the various interesting tours and challenges
  • Join the Upland Discord
  • Listen to the UPX podcast and The Upland Action News for the latest advice and game developments
  • Make sure to log in regularly as there is a bonus each day for the first week
  • Have fun amassing a vast property empire!

