Uphold: Putting Those BATs (and Some Companies) to Work

So, you're an avid BRAVE Browser user (or not, and if not, maybe consider joining them throughout my link), and you have been religiously collecting those BAT tokens...


Now, what can you do with them?


As soon as I heard about Brave and what they proposed, I wondered the same thing.


Cool, now I have these BATs sitting here, what's next?




After you acquire 25 BAT, you will be prompted by Brave to link and verify with Uphold, and that would allow you to 'cash out' your BAT from Brave to your flashing new account on Uphold, and that will give you a few options to choose.


Today, I'll explore one of my favorites options within the Uphold fan of opportunities: Equities.


Equities, the Uphold way, are fractional stocks in selected companies that trade in the US stock markets (as AT&T in NYSE, or Amazon in NASDAQ), there as of now, 50 different companies available on select markets, and more are said to be coming soon.


Regardless of your ability to successfully trade (and profit out of it), equities in Uphold offer you another interesting to put your assets to produce: proportional dividends.


You're entitled to receive any dividends that the companies you decided to trade on, pays to their shareholders. The more stock you hold in your Uphold account, the bigger the payout of the dividends you'll be receiving.


Some stocks pay dividends multiple times a year, but others don't, hence as always, it's important to know about where you're establishing your money on.


Rarely will ever "putting all your eggs in the same basket" be a piece of great financial advice, so always be on the look for ways to diversify your portfolio of investments.



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