Update on Dividend Pool status for the month of June

Time to have a good in depth look into how the different dividend pools are doing on Betfury.

In $ value

After listing we saw an initial drop of div payments (in $ value). This was right at the day that a few big BTC wins happened. Furthermore the cryptomarket as a whole dipped again. As we can see in the pool statusses below, this decline wasn't really reflected by diminishing payments from the pools. 

Div payment per 1k BFG

After listing there was a big outflow of BFG, causing the div payment per BFG to be up, while overall distribution was still down. 

Later in the month this was reversed by an increasing inflow back into the platform of the traded BFG. 

Now let's look at the pools individually: 

First off; BTC

We can see the slow decline of the pool continuing, with a small increase on the 8th of June because of the alt pool replenishment.

The day-to-day decline seems small, with two big wins speeding up the decline. 


ETH - Stable!

ETH distributions were really stable throughout the month. Somehow it looks as if the replenishment was a day earlier than in the other pools, but at least we can see ETH holding its ground. I've chosen to plot an extra two days to show that the pool recovered after the big win on june 30th


BNB - Picking up steam in the last week

The BNB pool showed a nice (nearly 48%) increase in June and it seems to be climbing quite steadily.


TRX - Happily swinging

The TRX dividend pool is known to have it's swings up and down. This month we could also see this happening with a quite strong decline at first, only for it to recover and become a bit more stable in the second half of the month. 


USDT - stable continuous growth

It's very nice to observe the strong growth of the USDT pool every month. In June it is up another 29.46% and much more is coming soon with the next alt pool replenishment.


BTT - Steady after strong decline

BTT seems to have stabilised in the 2nd halve of the month after a strong decline of almost 50%