Unpopular Ideas Ep.1 - Crypto Mining War Triggered Ban in China

Crypto ecosystem is such a place that you can find genius people with unique ideas anytime and anywhere. What I love about these ideas is their rationale behind. In some cases, these can be local reasons but, in general, they shed light on the general perception of a larger population.

Beyond some fantastic ideas, there are hidden gems that itch my mind whole day due to the connections made by people among the related occasions. Honestly speaking, I adore conspiracy theories and some speculations that are triggering people to look beyond what is shown... The ideas may sound weird, in most cases they will be, but they are absolutely mind blowing, as well. It's time for us to brainstorm.

Here we go ?????>??????+?

The domination of China in terms of Mining is unfair

As it's an undeniable fact that China has been leading the way Proof of Work mining is operated for Bitcoin and some other popular blockchains.

In a market/open bazaar where the giants of the global economy can play a role should be, to great extent, fair to make gains by all parties. Otherwise, the system will either be restricted/banned or discredited by the ones who are not taking a satisfactory share of cake.

- Does it sound reasonable?

- ? It does ??

The Mining FUD is Likely to Last Until the Domination Reaches a Comprehensible Level

The next step that I observed being speculated is mostly related to the technology giants and the whales of global finance in the United States feeling unsafe in a place where Chinese counterparties are leading the way. Thus, there is a search for **GREEN** *U.S companies* that are going to conduct mining in environment-friendly ways (Does it remind you a popular guy in crypto like E... M..k)

So, contrary to the mining companies that are labelled as dangerous(!) for environment, the new players will be %xx eco-friendly and saves our future. M A Y B E.


Bonus Speculation: Green Mining FUD by Elon serves for a Similar Purpose

My favorite part in any speculation is the part where Elon is an active player ??

For some people, he is trying to save his world-wide popular but unprofitable companies; for others, he is a crypto-believer and he is trying to have an influence while taking steps day-by-day.

For the mindset that is handled today, his mining-based FUD campaign and the decision for mining companies in China are related to each other. The former one pushes new **greener** actors to the stage while the latter gets the existing players out of the game. Sounds reasonable, isn't it ??

The greener crypto, the less trouble ???>?

My Point of View

This speculation is quite mind-itching and it's one of my favorite conspiracy theories. To some extent, it touches the areas of the unfair distribution of global mining operations, green mining era and the active role that governments may wish to play.

To great extent, these cases can be associated with one another but I do not think they are planned steps of a greater project. It's obvious that green mining will be the future but the conflict between countries may not be directly attributed to this new fashion.

What is your point of view about this specuation?

Should this unpopular idea stay "unpopular" ??