Two Major Reasons Why Bitcoin Leaves No One Indifferent

Bitcoin is unique in that it leaves no one indifferent.

If you ask around for an opinion, some people will tell you that it is an incredible monetary revolution. The majority will tell you that it is a volatile asset that is comparable to a Ponzi scheme.

The latter ones are not to blame since they are only repeating what politicians, bankers, and economists have been saying about Bitcoin for years. The anti-Bitcoin propaganda is being promoted by the media system constantly.

That being said, you'll find few people who don't have an opinion about Bitcoin. The digital currency invented by Satoshi Nakamoto clearly leaves no one indifferent.

I see two major reasons for this.

Jealousy prevents many people from admitting that Bitcoin is a real revolution

The first reason why so many people want to adhere to the narrative of the powerful people of the current system is jealousy. An age-old feeling that is one of the five emotions that keep you from embracing the Bitcoin revolution.

Bitcoin has been progressing block by block for over twelve years. In that time, these people have had many opportunities to buy Bitcoin. However, they have never done so. These people preferred to wait or believe that Bitcoin was a scam.

Now that the price of Bitcoin has reached an ATH of $64.8K in April 2021, these people understand that they have missed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Rather than joining the revolution now and taking advantage of it in the years to come, these people are jealous of those who have been able to buy Bitcoin in the $10,000, $1,000, or even $100 range.

This attitude jeopardizes their own future regarding money. Unfortunately, jealousy is very hard to overcome.

As I frequently explain, making mistakes is normal. The hardest thing is to accept your mistakes to move forward and progress. With Bitcoin, that's what these people have to do if they don't want to have even more regrets in the future. But this is just my feeling.

Bitcoin is unclassifiable, which confuses many people who constantly try to put everything into one category

The second reason for confusion about Bitcoin is the fact that it is in a category of its own.

People love to classify things and with Bitcoin, they can't. Bitcoin is a multi-category weapon. Bitcoin is an incredible monetary revolution whose monetary attributes are made credible by its technology. The combination of the two makes Bitcoin revolutionary.

It is not the Blockchain that is revolutionary, but its use in the context of Bitcoin.

So Bitcoin is seen as a currency or a technology by some, when in fact it is all of these things. The magic of Bitcoin is that it adapts to the specific needs of each of its users. Some will want to use it only as a store of value instead of gold.

Others will want to use it as a means of payment for everyday life, which the Lightning Network now makes possible at lightning speed and low fees.

So how you perceive Bitcoin will determine your overall feeling about it. In my opinion, you should focus on what Bitcoin can do for you. Don't try to pigeonhole it, but rather enjoy what Bitcoin can do for you.

Then you will see why Bitcoin is revolutionary.

Dare to make your own opinion about Bitcoin

Finally, the last important point comes from what the powerful people in the current system want you to believe. I talked about this quickly at the beginning of this article, but these powerful people are in charge of a system that is unfair but benefits them greatly. Bitcoin is a chance for the people to take back the power.

An open and transparent system that protects the people is not acceptable to politicians and bankers. They don’t want the Bitcoin revolution to succeed for that one reason.

So you have to take everything they tell you about Bitcoin in stride. You can't expect the disrupted to be enthusiastic about the technology that disrupts them. The day you realize this, you'll stop having blind faith in your government and seek to discover the ugly truth for yourself.

In the same vein, don't take my word for it. Use my writings as food for thought and the desire to do your own research. Read the Bitcoin whitepaper, seek to understand how money works, and then you can truly take power over your life in some way.

After doing this, I decided to embrace the Bitcoin revolution. It's up to you to see what will be best for you and your future.

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