Tron [TRX] Boosts Over 10% In An Hour As Justin Sun Finally Holds 'The Lunch' With Warren Buffett

In what was publicized as one of the largest events in the cryptocurrency world in the past year, Warren Buffet’s charity lunch has finally happened after a series of delays to hold the event. Justin Sun, Tron Foundation CEO, won the bid to hold a charity lunch with one of the richest men in America after forking out over $4.5 million dollars.

However, following cases of illness by Sun (reported to have kidney stones) and authorities showing concern on the meetup between one of crypto’s most marketable figures and Buffet, the planned July 25th lunch was postponed to a later date.

The later date turned out to be Feb 5th, as the lunch was turned to dinner, with the two CEOs, alongside four other crypto martians in the field, meeting in Happy Hollow Club in Omaha, Nebraska. The six discussed a number of topics that ranged from Bitcoin, Tron, Tesla and financial advice.

“Amazing dinner w/ @WarrenBuffett finally! Thx for your support & advice on how to take #TRON to the next level! Loved our talk on #Bitcoin, @Tesla & #TRON! Glad to support @GLIDEsf as well! C U at #BRK2020 & our reunion meal in 2030! Details below.” –Justin Sun tweet following the dinner.

TRON CEO gifts Warren Buffet over 5 million in TRX

The lunch cum dinner came with gifts from Tron and their CEO, who gave the Oracle of Omaha a Samsung Galaxy FOLD loaded with cryptocurrencies. Warren received his first Bitcoin from Sun loaded on the Galaxy Fold at a time that the top crypto traded at $9,400 USD. Bitcoin has since witnessed a 5% increase as the bulls target to breach psychological resistance at $10K.

Notwithstanding, Sun gifted Buffet over 5 million in TRX coins (~$110,000 USD) – also loaded on the Samsung Galaxy Fold, which comes with an in-built wallet.

Confidence growing as TRX boosts 10% in an hour

The postponement of the Warren charity lunch caused a whirlwind of criticism towards Justin Sun, as some accused him of money laundering as TRX faced an extended period of trouble dropping below the $0.01500 USD mark a couple of times. However, after the lunch happened, will people shine a different light on the founder of the 12th largest cryptocurrency?

Tron market cap | Source: coinmarketcap

TRX currently trades at $0.022560 USD, across major exchanges representing a 14% spike in the past day following Justin’s lunch. According to TradingView charts, the TRX/USD price spiked from an intraday low of $0.020456 USD at 5.00 PM GMT +3 to over $0.2250 USD in less than hour as the news of the lunch broke out.

Is Justin Sun gaining the crypto community’s confidence?

The postponement of the Warren charity lunch caused a whirlwind of criticism towards Justin Sun, as some accused him of money laundering as TRX faced an extended period of trouble dropping below the $0.01500 USD mark a couple of times. However, after the lunch happened, will people shine a different light on the founder of the 12th largest cryptocurrency?