Toronto Organizations Plan to Integrate Crypto Into their Payment Systems

Readers from the Toronto should be enlightened to read this news. Organizations and Institutions alike attempting to integrate cryptocurrency into their payment platforms for a future proof system. With younger and younger investors realizing the potential that cryptocurrencies have, whether it be the enormous decentralized upside or the immediate profit that can be actualized, institutions have now realized the benefits to accepting payment options other than traditional fiat. Universities and colleges are going to be first to mainstream this movement as University of Toronto are actively pursuing various financial analysts who specialize in cryptocurrency to add to their Finance Committee. With students actively pursuing various purchases of different virtual coins, the university itself has conducted many polls and surveys to the student population to investigate further into the new market trend. 

Affiliated organizations like UHN (University Health Network) will also follow suit once the colleges and universities integrate the virtual currency option. There are also numerous companies in the downtown core of Toronto willing to introduce some sort of crypto integration into their systems to remain "hip".