Top 5 crypto i invested in & why

Hello, Publish X community, I would like to share my top 5 cryptos that I have invested in and why. These days we are having more crypto/blockchain technologies being developed and released faster than we can research and access their usability, potentiality, and adaptability. Those three criteria are particularly important when it comes to making large investments in these technologies. Usability is the ability to begin using the technology or practicality or ease of use of the current version of such technologies. Potential being how will the technology develop over time, some projects take longer to be developed if centralized, but when it is open source, these technologies can be developed continuously even if they become abandoned during short periods of time. Adaptability being the most important aspect of judging the long-term survival of these projects open-sourced projects have the advantage of having more diverse minds involved but can suffer if participation drops. On the other hand, centralized or team-based projects have the advantage of having people working more closely together with a more goal-oriented focus on what needs to be achieved, but it suffers from being a closed-loop therefore it can be prone to blind spot since the teams are all on the same mindset or mission which can limit their ability to see flaws in their project more clearly.  


BAT Basic Attention Token  


Initially, when I learned about Basic Attention Token I was impressed with its usability since it provided me with the choice to use their browser technology without having to begin with their whitepaper and no proof of concept allowing me to judge its potentiality more clearly. From the beginning by using their browser I could tell that this browser blocked ads, stopped targeted trackers, and the speed of my searches was very noticeable especially when compared to what their top rivals offered. Throughout their years the BRAVE browser team has consistently updated and improved their technology by adding features such as having a wallet within the browser and the ability to get paid simply for browsing.  


ETH Ethereum 


In the beginning, when Ethereum was released to the public I was very skeptical of this technology since I thought it was trying to copy Bitcoin and try to ride the hype it carried with its successes. Luckily, I quickly learned that Ethereum was not trying to copy Bitcoin, but instead, they were trying to use similar technologies to carry out a different goal which was not to serve as another currency running on the blockchain, but instead, it was trying to run “DApp” on the blockchain to incentivize people to develop, create, and learn of the potentiality of all blockchain-related technologies. Throughout the years Ethereum has gone through a hack, fork, and now a new update known as Ethereum 2.0 that is going to address the gas fees, scalability, and security. 



LINK Chainlink 


I was attracted to Chainlink due to the fact that they were addressing important issues within the blockchain/crypto community which was the volume of data and the diverse range of participants involved in sharing such data even worse was that most of the information coming from all these parties were not able to connect with each other creating the issue of data without context most of the information shared need to be contextualized with other pieces of information to better understand how one piece connects to the rest of the whole.  



NU NuCypher 


After having been paying attention to blockchain technology development throughout the years I noticed that the issue of security had not been addressed directly specifically the issue with centralized key management servers. To avoid putting all our security eggs in one basket Nu-Cypher is proposing a new way to manage KMS without having a crucial point of weakness that if attacked or destroyed could create chaos in the industry that heavily relies on these security measures to be able to conduct transactions using their services. The strongest point of this technology in development is the fact that this is encryption service is decentralized which follows this main idea that many blockchain projects believe in. This project has not proved it usability yet at least not to most of the mainstream blockchain technologist, but it has the potential to uproot the way we do encryption.  


LTC Litecoin  


When Bitcoin was first introduced to the world it revolutionized our thinking of how money should be handled and who should be able to handle it. Most importantly for the first time in the mainstream world, we came to understand the importance of decentralization as a way to make transactions within the markets without relying heavily on intermediaries. Over time many of us came to realize that Bitcoin had its limitation when it came to everyday transactions. With Bitcoin directly sending small transactions like $5 to $10 without having fees consume all the money being sent, we needed something more practical. Bitcoin went from a decentralized money transactional tool to a store value type of tool, and this is where Litecoin comes in. Instead of trying to replace Bitcoin, it is working on being able to scale and conduct transactions quicker and more efficiently without requiring supercomputers to process it.