Tips to Understand Cryptocurrency and White Paper

The universe of digital financial assets has peculiar characteristics and some unusual terms. For example, you may have heard of "white paper", but what does it actually mean? The white paper is a document that describes the technical aspects of a cryptocurrency, presenting the problems it must solve and how to address them, describing the token's generation and distribution strategy, in addition to showing who is responsible for a project. In short, it is a business plan, mixed with a technical manual and a marketing plan. However, do not think that it is just combining this information on a paper and think that it is a white paper. This document is incredibly complex and very few people are qualified to write it in such a way as to guarantee the understanding of enthusiasts.

What Goes on Whitepaper

White papers must contain:

  • The problem in the market
  • The solution and the product
  • Competitors and market size
  • Key investment information
  • Technical explanation of the token and use cases
  • Schedule for project development and launch
  • ICO strategy (how many tokens in total, number of units issued, distribution, market cap, token release phases, payment processing, token deployment, etc.)
  • Legal aspects of the asset
  • Responsible team
  • Marketing strategy

Once a suitable whitepaper is created, your development team can work on building the product, while the business side can speak to potential investors with a consistent speech even before the launch of the ICO campaign.

What Is Whitepaper for Investors?

The white paper on cryptocurrencies is one of the documents used to convince potential investors to deposit money in the pot. This is a document that explains the purpose, value and other details related to the cryptocurrency in question. Ideally, he can answer any questions that investors might have. The challenge is now. As there are few regulations for cryptocurrencies and as cryptocurrencies are relatively new, there are no strict rules for these technical documents. The white paper does not have a standard structure or adequate verification methods to “ensure that the requirements of the cryptocurrency white paper are really correct. If you plan to invest in cryptocurrency startups, follow the concept of beware of the buyer”, says Karen M. Joseph, crypto writer at Writinity and Last Minute Writing. Do your research. Read the white paper provided to potential investors.

Identifying Services and Possible Issues

More than just creating digital currencies, there are more cryptocurrency features. The white paper should define a clear product or service. If this is too vague, be careful. Knowledge of the product or service can also help you determine whether cryptocurrencies are based on what you consider to be ethical and beneficial. In addition to providing a product or service, the white paper should describe why. In other words, what problem has been solved? After answering that question, you can continue to focus on another important question. What other companies can solve these problems? Who is the competition?

Cryptocurrency Exchange and Distribution

There are no official exchanges for buying and selling cryptocurrencies, such as stocks or other financial products. Therefore, it cannot be said that anyone is subject to official sanctions. However, you should check that the cryptocurrency exchange you are using is known and is in good condition. Buying pressure is the demand to buy financial instruments. In this case, it is a cryptocurrency compared to the demand to sell financial instruments. Knowing this will help to predict the growth potential of dollar tokens. The white paper should clearly “indicate how the tokens are finally distributed. In most cases, there will be the total number of tokens available for ICO and the total number available for the entire project”, says Noreen J. Reddick, business blogger writer at DraftBeyond and Researchpapersuk. You must determine in the white paper how to distribute these tokens between the ownership team and the initial investor.

When reading white papers to determine if you are interested in investing in a new cryptocurrency, remember that these white papers are not endorsed by any law or regulation. In addition, they are written by private entities that have an interest in your investment. This does not mean that the white paper is dishonest, but you do need to read it carefully and use your analytical skills to make a decision. Finally, look at some successful ICOs. Read the white papers to understand what to expect from a successful ICO.

Ashley Halsey is a professional writer at Law Assignments and Gum Essays who has been involved in many projects throughout the country. Mother of two children, she enjoys traveling, reading and attending business training courses. She has sought self-improvement. Ashley is always interested in finding new ways of personal and professional growth. She also wants to inspire others along the way.