This week the cryptocurrencies market took another dip and was marked by juicy headlines

This week the cryptocurrencies market took another dip and was marked by juicy headlines. As interest rates in USA hiked a again, people reacted accordingly. In addition, FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried finally got caught in the Bahamas. And since, questions have risen about BINANCE proof of funds. The exchange continues to juggle a wave of withdraws, while showcasing a strong front to the media. 

The environment is very delicate right now. The market Experienced a positive recovery last week with Bitcoin prices going above 18K. But it eventually took another dip driven by low volume in general in exchanges. 

On a positive note, while exchanges are getting shaken, there was a large increase in sales for hardware wallets across the board. Trezor, for example, recorded a 300% sales increase in November 2022. And that is mainly being driven by people seeking security and self custody. 

Regardless of what happens to exchanges; Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and true decentralization will prevail.

Below are the most relevant headlines of the week with links so you can go directly to the source.

Sunday December 11th, 2022: Binance's proof of reserves raises red flags: Report  -

Monday December 12th, 2022:  SBF Charged With Conspiracy, Wire Fraud, Money Laundering by Justice Department, Securities Violations by SEC -

Tuesday December 13th, 2022: Business as Usual Says CZ, Confirming Over $1 Billion Daily Withdrawals -

Wednesday December 14th,  2022: Bitcoin Falls as Federal Reserve Slows Rate Hikes but Stays Hawkish -

Thursday December 15th 2022: Digital euro on EU priorities list before 2024 elections -

Friday December 16th 2022:  Hal Finney's wife resumes activity on Bitcoin pioneer's Twitter account to avoid potential purge -

Saturday December 17th 2022: Enjoy your Saturday. 

All my best

Michelle M

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