This cryptocurrency has 7 million users but is not tradable on exchanges yet

I got into cryptocurrencies a few months ago when a friend of mine invited me to join the Pi Network. I was skeptical at first and researched the project thoroughly before signing up.

The Pi Network is a cryptocurrency that was created by a group of Stanford PHDs to give back power to people. A cryptocurrency created by the people, for the people. The goal is to create the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer market place, fueled by Pi. By downloading the app, you can mine Pi directly from your phone. It is not really mining since it is illegal on iphones, but it is a sort of light version of it that won’t drain your battery and will work on the background even if you close the app. The only thing you need to do once a day is to open the app and click to start earning Pi. 

About Pi:

Pi is not on exchanges yet and does not have real value yet. However, this project is massive and it has already gained a lot of traction with its 7 million+ users. If you think about the fact that $LINK has become so popular but it has got only 200,000 wallets (users) as the time of writing, you get the idea. Pi runs on the Stellar protocol and will be used to pay for goods and services on the Pi Network platform and its apps. I heard that on the beta version of these apps people are trying to exchange goods for a value of 10$ per Pi. This would be great since Pi is currently still free to mine and accumulate. The team has reported that when the project reaches 10 million users, the mining rate will either halve or go to zero. 

Conclusion: you are still very early if you want to join this project. All you need is a phone that will be used for mining. You have nothing to lose as it is completely free. If you have enjoyed this article and want to join please do so by clicking the following link and using my username as a referral: 

I am sending you 1?! To claim your Pi, follow this link: and use my username (alexdotleo) as your invitation code.

If you want to check out their website and whitepaper you can visit: And don’t forget to tip ;) 
