The New Splinterlands Wiki - A Powerhouse of Organized Splinterlands Resources

What's the difference between the Cripple and Demoralize abilities?

What's a Ruleset and how many of them are there?

What's the best way to win for a player just joining the game?

You'll find answers to these questions (and thousands more) on the new, community-driven Splinterlands Wiki.

Community Strong.

This Wiki promises to be a Splinterlands staple for years to come. Created by some of our best and most supportive players, the wiki (which is still under construction) will ultimately be the largest organized library of SPLINTERLANDS resources anywhere on the internet. For years, Splinterlands players, collectors and investors have been sharing thoughts, data, strategies and secrets on rewarding HIVE-driven content creation platforms such as and While you'll still find all the latest of Splinterlands blogs, battle reports and ideas on these platforms and should check and use them regularly, the Wiki will be your one-stop-shop for sources of information.

The editors of this community-run project mean business. They have already set some tremendous goals and are already well on their way to completing this massive project. It just goes to show what kind of work can be accomplished by the incredible Splinterlands community when they come together to collaborate on projects with solid leadership and vision.

The Need

As any of you Splinterlands players know, while the game may be fairly simple to learn, it is endlessly difficult to master. With a partially open-source format like Splinterlands has, it can also be difficult for new players to locate all of the resources necessary to aid in their quick understanding. The complexities of the game and everything that it involves run far deeper than can be expressed on the game's main page of, and the team is thrilled that an organized community project like the Wiki is blossoming so quickly and effectively. We recognize that it holds the potential to not only bring in countless new users, but to show them quickly and powerfully how to love this game as much as we do.

At Splinterlands, we are happy to support the effort of this Wiki's creation in any way that we can. The team of editors in charge has been given Dark Energy Crystals to distribute as rewards to those who contribute to the page. These Dark Energy Crystal rewards are fantastic, but they are nowhere near the level of full-time employment pay, so the Wiki needs volunteer writers and strategists who share our passion for the success of Splinterlands.

Splinterlands Wiki at DYGYCON

Register for the free DYGYCON event HERE!

To assist in their recruitment efforts, the Wiki editors have been allotted a booth at DYGYCON 2.0, happening this Saturday, March 13th from 10am-1pm EST. This booth will stand in the event to establish and formalize Splinterlands' commitment to the success of the Wiki project, and to allow an exclusive space within the festival for the Wiki's editors to meet new Splinterlanders, recruit new writers and make new connections.

We'll give the Wiki Editors some Booster Packs to give away for people who read this article, so stop by their booth at the event and tell them that Pub0x sent you for a free gift (while supplies last).

While at the event, make sure to stop by our Splinterlands Challenge Booth, where if you can beat the Splinterlands pro on duty, you can win an exclusive NFT prize minted on NFT Showroom!

There will also be gamified NFT achievement badges, exclusive releases, live auctions, Splinterlands giveaways and more, so don't miss this awesome event that's bringing everyone together. Visit THIS POST for a rundown of the DYGYCON sponsors for the March event.

Help Build the Future

We're looking for Splinterlands players, Splinterlands writers and Splinterlands organizers. If you live and breathe Splinterlands, then you can and should get involved with the creation of this Wiki project. The editors of the Wiki are currently specifically seeking strategy writers of all leagues and collection levels. Learn how you can help build the Splinterlands Wiki at THIS PAGE.

Strategists: As you know as a fan of Splinterlands, the strategy in the game runs deep and could fill multiple volumes. We're not looking to give away all the secrets of the big players, and we're definitely not expecting these strategy guides to replace the need for a good Splinterlands player to practice in order to get better. The simple fact is that many of the best Splinterlands lessons can only be learned through trial and error, and some of them can only be tasted through a dose of bitter defeat. Still, the Wiki is bound to be an excellent resource to equip strategy-seekers with the knowledge to help them win. Here's a rundown of some of the types of strategy posts that are needed:

General Ruleset Tips

General Ability Tips

Different League Tips

Per Splinter Guides

Guides for Different Mana Caps

Tournament Guides

Assembling Winning Collections

If you would like to join the Discord discussion or perhaps become an editor of the community-driven Wiki page, JOIN THE DISCORD COMMUNITY HERE.What are you waiting for? Get out there, share some strategy, meet some great people and help build the community-powered future of Splinterlands! We're proud of YOU, Splinterlanders!

See you on the battlefield!

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