The Monero Project You Haven't Heard Of

Tari is a blockchain protocol focused on digital assets open source, private by default and merge mined with Monero. The Tari  protocol aims at allowing developers to have groundbreaking control over their assets while delivering an absolutely stunning user experience.

Like Monero, Tari has a rich and diverse community focused on privacy. Their goal is to build the most useful decentralized platform that empowers anyone to create digitally scarce items. According to the Tari community, Tari is a privacy Trojan horse intended to be used for real world at-scale applications. Sometimes, the word digital asset may not be clear as to what it is.

A digital asset is an asset that's whole existence is in digital form. Examples include, event tickets, in game items for online games, loyalty points and many other things. Tari is changing the way the world works with technology by creating a framework for a frictionless, low cost digital asset ecosystem that benefits the consumer and the issuer of the digital asset. This protocol has a specific purpose: the issuance, management and transfer of digitally scarce things.

The Tari Aurora is the mobile wallet that is available for ios and Android on their respective app stores however, the wallet can be compiled from source code for those of you who are really concerned about privacy. I am actually in the process of compiling the wallet for the first time to get a feel of how this is done. Tari uses the programming language Rust which is an exceptional choice by the development team for two reasons, one to not take anything away from Monero and two because of it's aesthetic capabilities.

Aurora is one of the most beautiful wallets I have ever used. All transactions are done with the use of Tor and mimblewimble enabling p2p communication with other wallets while encrypting each message and transaction.

If Tari is anything like Monero in terms of usefulness and privacy, it has a bright future.