The Korean Effect?

It is incredible what is happening with HIVE these past hours.

While BTC fell 9% in a few hours dragging the entire market with it, the good of HIVE could not think of anything else than to pump even more and reach 0.81 USD.

You are not going to deny me that despite our blind trust in this blockchain, none of us expected HIVE to act contrary to the market. It is not that it was the only altcoin pumping today, others have also done great rallies (Waves, CRV ...) but, frankly, today I would not have bet 1 cent on HIVE.

What I find even more impressive is the enormous TRADING VOLUME today, exactly + 1000% compared to yesterday, the majority of this volume is driven by the HIVE/KRW pair at UPBIT Exchange (KOREAN).


It is also important to note that HBD is very far from its PEG with the USD, touching 1.65$ today which reminds me the massive rally of STEEM more than 3 years ago...



In any case, it doesn't seem like this is going to stop here as I don't think we've entered the ALTCOIN season yet so I am expecting more upwards action.

History may repeat itself.

Hive on!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta