The Greed of Ethereum Miners Overcome by Technical Innovation

The "show of force" that Ethereum miners plan to initiate on April Fool's Day could be one of the reasons that ether's price has been suppressed. Fortunately, there is a solution to keep these retards from retarding the progress of Ethereum and the entire crypto space. But first, I have to cuss and flail about at these morons for a few paragraphs, AVGN style. I can only ingest so much stupid before I have to vomit some of it back out.

It's really shameful that these fucking tools are blatantly opposing innovation for the sake of their selfish profits. These stupid fucks are the tech version of the "they took urr jobs!" caricatures on South Park. They are the fat, bloated oilgarchs [not sic] blocking the use of more efficient energy technologies. They are the record company execs putting out fast food music and signing more talented artists to shelve them on purpose. Hilarious how humanity repeats itself even in the space that's supposed to be disrupting the norm. No matter where you go, it seems, you can never escape garbage succubus genetics. Fucking freeloading leech parasite subhuman sludge people that evolved from goddamn sloths and lobster cockroaches. Go hide in the shadow of God's drunken shame, you fucking evolutionary mistakes. Fuckin forgettable rounding errors of carbon-based life.

These psuedo-human shits are the crypto version of a central bank seeing its foothold on the world slip away and trying to tank the entire ship instead of just stepping the fuck aside. But their greed actually protects Ethereum 1.0 until 2.0 comes out. These stupid fucks are so greedy that they'd never attack the network even if they had 51%, because that means mining profits would stop, l-fuckin-ol. What a conundrum. 

It's not like these Ethereum Network upgrades were a secret. Everyone knew they were coming and had ample time to prepare. That's why I have no sympathy even for these huge mining operations that stand to lose millions of dollars. I thought we were in this to get away from fuckin dollars, anyway. Why are they so concerned with the fiat value of their losses? Surely they must have, as miners, more than enough ether to stake and actually participate in the coming proof of stake upgrade. Ever think about that, idiots?

I've said it many times before: In order to make money in crypto, your investment must move at the speed of innovation. You have to be prepared to invest in the next stage of a project as it comes out — from token presale to yield farm to vault to partnership to etc. etc. If you stay in the same place, your gains stop. What's more, you start losing money. But enough of yelling at these pieces of shit. 

Vitalik has come out saying Ethereum 2.0 is now getting a fire lit under its ass. The timetable has been moved up from years to months, and I have a feeling we might get something faster than that. Ethereum is also facing stiff competition from other blockchains, most of which are using Ethereum's mistake profile to avoid the same issues. You can bet Ethereum will be the last network to ever have this kind of problem with miners.

We didn't move away from the felonious central bank structure only to succumb to this criminal rebellion. You miners can go fuck yourselves. I'm sticking with the tech (even though I hate Ethereum because of the fees). I'm buying the dips and using sidechains so you miners get no money from me, but I profit from the eventual victory of the tech over greed. You dumbfuck nobody FUCKS.



Always remember:

Burgerswap Bridge will steal your crypto

Deus.Finance is led by a psychotic wannabe despot

AllianceBlock is a shit project

All algorithmic stablecoins (Basis Cash, Mithril, Empty Set Dollar) are a SCAM

Don’t get your bitcoin from PayPal

Trade on BSC, not Ethereum

Ivan on Tech, Elliotrades and Bitboy are complete liars, and

If you are always losing money trading crypto, read here.

Gems I'm investing in:

NFTs - Doki Doki

Trading - Unimex

Finance - Soar