The first Bitcoin transactions

At the beginning of Cryptonoria there was bitcoin, named after the founder who proposed a decentralized economic system, then new currencies with their particularities and functions were born called altcoins.

Many of these did not last over time due to weak projects, scams or people's lack of interest in them.

They are called shitcoins, which are very risky for investors, the middle class is easily fleeced and proletarians are exploited in factories.

The most revolutionary projects have led to the creation of NFTs, metavers and innovative services, but the corpos have a stranglehold on many of them and rig prices to their advantage with the help of traders.

In the artistic field, creators of stories and works are creating their own crypto-currencies based on their universe, creating a micro economy even if their values are based on public opinion.

From one day to the next, artists can make a fortune or lose everything - it's the law of trends.