The ecosystem to watch Cardano

Cardano is an interesting project, that I have been following for a few years now, they are one of the many projects building the blockchain world, that we will soon live in and experience in our daily lives.

The greatest wealth transfer in mines and many of your lifetimes will happen across the blockchain and Cardano is looking to be one of the big players in making that happen.


The founder of this asset, that’s what I like to call it others might call it a crypto currency and that fits as well in many cases but for right now I will refer to it as an crypto asset.

Charles Hoskinson is the founder of Cardano and in my opinion he and the Cardano team, has a done a nice job with not rushing this project and as I write about it, in real time the project is undergoing some upgrades.

These upgrades are the reason, I see this as a crypto asset, that anybody in this space or looking to get into this space should take a look at, study and understand it and then make an education choice on what you will or won’t do and if you see or don’t see any value in this project.

At the time of this writing, the price is trading around 2.85$ so, if you're reading this book and it has pass that price you could be late or on time all depending on what you believe the project to become. I remember when Ethereum was trading around 280$ and some people thought that was too high, now it’s trading around 3,000. So, that’s something you will figure out from your own studies on this asset.