The crow would have feelings too.

What sound would fut with the colors of green?

The sun will shade the tree in all depths of the shadows, while the leaves themselves some shining bright with life. Others darker in color with the days that have called them alive seen in their detail. Cracks on the sides with rotting pieces. Others succumbing to infections and vermin that scourage its cells for nourishment only to procreste and target other colors of the leaf. Generations rise from the branches the older thy get the further away from the sun they find themselves.

Remeniscent of the days where a divine light will be shining on them,scorching them even yet a selfish blessing. Their green echoes in the depth of a tree brimming with sound and shining with life. Colors of yellow and gray will chase after esch other. Picking on the leaves and taking shelter within them. The suns divine fading with the day brings them the freedom to rummage the skies and strike the mild winds that come forth before the darkness brings with it the night. 

The colors would merge and the sounds will echo from the single tree all the bugs flee. For in hiding they would succeed temporarily and in fleeing the future will have more of a chance to be their own. They vacate their flowers and farms and leave the shared space to its new crowd. 

The sounds would take over the surrounding yards as the birds grew harmoniously. The tree would hold thwm all of all colors and aizes and to the leaves dismay,she would dance to the winds that blew,throwing the birds from one side only to grab them to anorher. The dance will continue and the song will continue and the music will continue.

All the crow wanted to do was sing. All the crow wanted to do was dance. The birds would leave but the tree wouldnt mind. He would perch there singing on his own. Hoping the birds would want to come back and celebrate with him the remaining minutes of day.