The Bitcoin Standard - personal review

"The Bitcoin Standard" by Saifedean Ammous is a highly recommended book within the Bitcoin community. It explores the history, economics, and potential implications of Bitcoin as a decentralized digital currency. The book delves into topics such as the role of money, the flaws of fiat currencies, and the properties that make Bitcoin unique.

Here are some key points that the book covers:

  1. Historical Context: The book provides a historical context to understand the evolution of money, from the use of commodities to government-issued fiat currencies. It explores the characteristics that make an ideal form of money and argues that Bitcoin possesses many of these desirable qualities.

  2. Monetary Principles: Saifedean discusses the principles of sound money, such as scarcity, divisibility, durability, portability, and recognizability. He argues that Bitcoin, with its limited supply and digital nature, has the potential to fulfill these principles better than traditional fiat currencies.

  3. Flaws of Fiat Currencies: The book highlights the flaws of modern fiat currencies, including inflation, government control, and the erosion of purchasing power over time. It explores the impact of central banks' monetary policies and argues that Bitcoin, being decentralized and resistant to manipulation, offers an alternative to these shortcomings.

  4. Bitcoin as a Store of Value: Saifedean presents the case for Bitcoin as a store of value, comparing it to traditional stores of value such as gold. He examines the characteristics that make Bitcoin suitable for preserving wealth and protecting against inflation.

  5. Potential Implications: The book explores the potential implications of Bitcoin's adoption on various aspects, including economics, politics, and society. It discusses the potential for financial sovereignty, censorship resistance, and financial inclusivity (to the other half of the planet) that Bitcoin can offer.

It's important to note that "The Bitcoin Standard" presents a specific perspective on Bitcoin and its potential as a monetary system. While the book has gained popularity and has been influential in the Bitcoin community, it's always valuable to approach any book with a critical mindset and consider multiple viewpoints to form a well-rounded understanding. If you have a specific interest in Bitcoin, economics, or monetary systems, reading "The Bitcoin Standard" could provide you with insights and provoke further thought on the subject.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book for several reasons. One aspect that particularly stood out to me was the deliberate choice of not mentioning Bitcoin in the first half. This approach allowed the book to establish a solid foundation by exploring economic theories and historical context before delving into the specifics of Bitcoin. By gradually introducing the subject matter, the author ensured that readers developed a comprehensive understanding of the broader concepts, making the subsequent exploration of Bitcoin all the more meaningful. This unique structure added depth and enhanced my overall appreciation of the book.

Overall, this book provides valuable insights. However, it should be noted that midway through, Saifedean ventures into a rant about art that some readers may find off the mark. This section can be divisive and may detract from the overall appeal of the book for certain individuals. It's important to approach this particular part with a critical mindset and consider personal opinions on the matter.

Would I recommend it? Absolutely! Without a doubt.

You can buy the book at Amazon or visit

Or if you're really tight right now, you can consider following the author's advice and make payment at a later time.

One way or another, I highly encourage you to read this book at least once in your lifetime. If you have limited time to explore Bitcoin literature, "The Bitcoin Standard" should be your top choice. It stands out as a definitive book on the subject, making it a valuable read for anyone interested in understanding Bitcoin's principles and implications.

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