The best thing about crypto...

The best thing about crypto...


I am a total crypto-convert! Granted, I am a bit of an obsessive by nature, but three months of learning to swim in these crystalline waters has webbed my feet and sprung gills.


Profits are tasty, and financial autonomy is priceless, but the best thing about crypto is sharing with others and reaping the symbiotic two-way reward. It is a self fueling circle of hope and delivery!


I was coaxed, encouraged, and downright bullied into the crypto-sphere by a friend. Already, I owe him much. We have proof of work, proof of stake...for him, crypto represents proof of concept, fully realized. He needs people to see what he wasn't long before I could offer him this. All the good things in life are infinite in nature it seems.


To be handed money by a friends advice is a good feeling – to share that with another and be the provider, is way better.


A special person to me, sent me this the other day:




In an email headed 'the thrill is real' I can only assume another person heeded my advice, and has an interesting 2021 ahead of them. The gent who owns the corner shop from me, my Mother and my next door neighbour have all asked me to show them how to buy BTC. The ghost is extricating herself from the machine...and the best thing...the more who know; the quicker the price rises for me, them, and all you sexy people.


In times as corrupt as these, we may just have stumbled on the ecosystem best positioned to offer us the tools for our own salvation.


We hodl together...always!!


Sharing is caring...