The beginning of the end

A year ago, on Christmas 2022 Anno Domini, BTC was hovering just above $16,500, and the naysayers were having a field day with writing their articles highlighting how far Bitcoin had fallen from its peak upwards of $70k only a month before.

Now BTC is upwards of $43,500 again, and it is trending towards the Moon.

Can you recognize the beginning of the next Moonshot?

Let's zoom out a bit more, so instead of looking at just the last 3 years, let's go all the way back and look at the graph from back to 2016, back when BTC was still under $1000 and the naysayers were saying it would never amount to anything.

Do you remember back in 2017 when that first "Moonshot" happened and BTC went all the way up to $3000, before "crashing" back down to lose more than half of its value by July of 2017?  The naysayers had a field day back then, because its the only thing they know how to do with their energy.

But then in September of 2017, BTC recovered up to over $5000, and now that earlier graph looked less like a Moonshot, going up to $3000 the first time.

Then in November of 2017, BTC reached a new high of over $7600 before crashing again down to the $5000 range, but then suddenly we had a race upwards towards $20,000 for the first time at the end of 2017, and by the beginning of 2018 it was already crashing down again, but that Moonshot cracked wide open the narratives about Bitcoin that said it was just a pipe dream that wasn't worth investing in.

For all the geeks and folks who had invested in it back when it was less than $1000 per BTC, back when it was less than $0.005 (less than half a cent) per BTC, they just had a huge opportunity to cash out, at the end of 2017, and a lot of them became new millionaires and billionaires in the span of a few short months, weeks, and days.

Over time, BTC's value ebbed and sometimes spiked as people thought they were maybe catching the next big Moonshot, but the price settled down in the $4000-$5000 range for most of the first part of 2019, until the middle of that year, it spiked again and went back up to $14k, where it slowly bobbled back towards that $4000 bottom, until the middle of March 2020, when the world was being locked down due to the covid crap.

BTC hit its rock bottom of sub-$4000 price, before beginning its ascent to its new newest high of almost $65k.  This was phenomenal!  And the attention it got boosted it and held it up high for a while, before it dropped down to under $30k again.  It had lost more than half of its value, again, in less than a month's time, and it staggered down in the $30k ranges for a couple of months.

Then Bitcoin went to even new heights, upwards of $70k, which is its current record high.

When you look at the graphs, do you see how $70k is soon going to look like one of those smaller blips, in hindsight looking back from the top of this next Moonshot?

All the other significant "altcoins" are going to follow this trend.  That is, of course, if it doesn't all break first, or crash due to manipulation or policy or war or hacks or bugs or cryptographic collisions or whatnot.

Who knows how high it will go, but it is evident that we are indeed witnessing the beginning of the next great Moonshot.  This could be the end of the system as we know it.  We may be able to enjoy this one Moonshot without crashing the system, but even if so, then the Moonshot after this one is going to break it all to smithereens.

Some people are about to become so financially wealthy, that other people who don't have cryptocurrencies are going to call it criminal.

All aboard!  Last call to the Moon!