The 1 Percent Rule: Why a Few People Get Most of the Rewards With Bitcoin

Bitcoin is an incredible monetary revolution that is attracting more and more people. They come first and foremost for the lure of money. I don't blame them, since the majority of Bitcoiners come to this new exciting world for this reason.

However, those who are rewarded the most are usually the same in the Bitcoin world.

It is a tiny minority of people. I'm not talking about the Whales you might have thought of when you read the title of my article. Those Whales are an even more separate category that I won't discuss here.

I am talking about the real Bitcoiners. Those who have complete confidence in the Bitcoin system that aims to change the world for the better with its revolution.

The best possible strategy with Bitcoin is available to all

The confidence that these Bitcoiners have in Bitcoin allows them to control their emotions in all circumstances. They know that patience is the key to taking full advantage of Bitcoin in the years to come. Bitcoin is indeed an accumulation game

The more BTC you have in the future, the better it will be for you.

So whether the price of Bitcoin is in a Bull Market or a Bear Market, these Bitcoiners apply the same strategy over and over again: buy BTC, HODL BTC no matter what, send BTC on cold storage, repeat.

This strategy is more than 99% profitable as I write this and the price of Bitcoin is above $60K

Although Bitcoin is accessible to everyone with no other limitation than having internet and a smartphone or computer, and everyone has the same level of information, only 1% is taking full advantage of it. I'm taking the 1% figure here, but it's an empirical estimate.

However, only 1% of the Earth's inhabitants at best apply it

The reality may be even lower since there are 130 million users while the world population is currently 7.8 billion. Of those 130 million users, less than a quarter of them certainly understand why Bitcoin exists and yet are convinced of the success of its revolution.

Many are buying Bitcoin just in case, which is a good thing if you follow Satoshi Nakamoto's simple advice from January 2009:

“It might make sense just to get some in case Bitcoin catches on. If enough people think the same way, that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

The 1 Percent Rule was highlighted in an article by James Clear a few years ago:

“The 1 Percent Rule states that over time the majority of the rewards in a given field will accumulate to the people, teams, and organizations that maintain a 1 percent advantage over the alternatives. You don't need to be twice as good to get twice the results. You just need to be slightly better.”

James Clear was not talking specifically about Bitcoin of course, but you can see that this can be applied to Bitcoin.

Nevertheless, the advantage of Bitcoin is that it is quite possible to make this 1% rule lie. Indeed, anyone can buy Bitcoin with the same level of information. I write daily about Bitcoin to raise awareness about this incredible monetary revolution.

You must break the 1 Percent Rule by taking advantage of the fact that Bitcoin gives the same level of information to all its users

My goal is to help as many people as possible learn about this incredible monetary revolution. Then they are free to choose whether or not to enter the world of Bitcoin.

The funniest part is the comments I get from people telling me that I'm trying to take advantage of them by telling them about Bitcoin to get them to buy. As I keep saying, I am not pushing anyone to buy Bitcoin. I am simply presenting my opinion on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so that you can get some food for thought.

Whether or not you buy Bitcoin will not change the fact that this revolution will triumph, because, in my opinion, the success of Bitcoin is now inevitable. But it would be a shame for your future regarding money if you were to miss this incredible opportunity by validating the 1 Percent Rule once again when you have all the cards in your hand to change your future.

As always, it is up to you to decide to be slightly better to free yourself from a monetary and financial system that has been impoverishing you for over 50 years now. If you don't get out of it voluntarily, then you will let your wealth be ineluctably nibbled away by monetary inflation.

It is up to you to decide.

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