Stereolab, beautiful music and hope... we all need a bit of that methinks


Stereolab, more pertinently Dots n Loops and to be quite specific, this song, Refractions in the plastic pulse. This album, and song, holds so many memories for me... The video is me singing along to it in the park last summer with my kids, it was about a week before the final notch that did my knee in and bought me to my current present - awaiting surgery!!

Beautiful memory, lovely day and it was summer and we all had a temporary respite of hope in regards that pesky Covid pandemic.

For any non French speakers, the words I'm singing/miming along to are;

That what is, is not closed,

From this perspective

The most essential (is) -

What is open, is to be.

It is one of the most beautiful, hopeful songs I know... It goes on for a further 13 minutes after this, it's an epic piece and basically speaks of hope, love and the human plight for happiness, I think... The next verse is;

In endless action,

Without a trophy and without glory-

Is an infinite creation,

Without profit or victory.

Which I think is about how we should chase our dreams; as a constant work in progress that allows for everyone to achieve theirs. It is a philosophy of universal love and hope, set in the context of our personal desires and wants.

It reminds me of being young, early 20's and first hearing this and spending hours dancing to it, not knowing what the words meant but knowing somehow because of the general feel...

It reminds me of falling in love, not too long ago, and still reminds me of him now... That which isn't closed is open, in an endless action...

It reminds me that summer will come again and that so will love... because I am open and have hope...

If you have not come across this album, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??!! Look it up immediately :-)