Splinterlands | My best reward chest so far

In this post I'll show you my best reward chest ever, it was one of the 22 chests I got in the last season rewards. I once had 1.600 DEC in a reward chest, but except for that, everything was pretty much worthless.

Until now!

Btw. I have been playing SPLINTERLANDS for 2 months now, so getting a card like this definitely helps me out!

Drum rolls






It's Kretch Tallevor, a gold foil epic summoner. I'm pretty happy with that! It's currently listed at $14,5.

However, I'm not looking to sell him straight away, he gives mee 10.000 power, which is handy because I'm still renting cards just to get to the power treshhold. On top of that, I can use him with any splinter, which means that I can use any levelled up monster. Since I don't have levelled summoners for every splinter, this card actually comes in quite handy from time to time.

Let's see what the next season rewards give me!