Splinterlands | Cerberus | The Three Headed Mythical Canine

For those starting in Splinterlands, Cerebrus happens to be one of the best melee attackers in the Fire Splinter collection. I said “starting” because the Cerebrus is a card that is available for play, even for newbies. As such, you need not buy it to play. You can play as long as you want using the card, and when you want to level up, you can go ahead and buy.

But what’s so great about the card. For one, it has a self-heal ability which allows it to heal back some of its health. This is an awesome ability to have, especially in low mana battles. Talking of low mana battles, since the Cerberus only cost four mana, it can play even the mini-monster rule. That is the rule when only four or less than four mana monsters would be allowed in battle. That makes the Cerberus quite versatile and difficult to beat in the low mana battles.

Even the base Cerberus at level one is quite impressive. It comes with an attack value of two, speed of three, and health of five. All these packed strong stats cost only four mana. Now, you know why it is worth so much to take into low mana battles. It is next to impossible to kill it. ??

The canine provides many more advantages, and we will see a few of them soon. Of course, we will witness a battle too. But before that, how about we get to know SPLINTERLANDS first? After all, readers need to know where to find the Cerberus.

What Game is Splinterlands?

Well, it is one of the earliest blockchain-based collectible games. Though I started playing the game relatively late, I should have had gotten going early in hindsight. Anyway, no need to despair. There are so many opportunities no matter when you start.

*Splinterlands is a digital card game that allows you to collect, trade, battle, rent, and even earn on the cards. It is one of the most generous games that I have seen where cards, potions, Dark Energy Crystals (DEC. Cryptocurrency) are given out every day to thousands of players for just playing and winning daily quests. And there are tournaments that you can play or guilds that you can join.*

***Just to give you an idea of how lucky you can get in Splinterlands - read my story of getting cards worth $327 for buying few packs worth $20 only.***

Got Cards Worth $327 for $20

And this is just a small number. I have witnessed people getting uber-expensive cards in their pack and selling it for as high as $6500. This means the game has interested buyers for your cards too. In fact, there is a whole Splinterlands marketplace.

Now, if all that interests you and you want to try out the game, then I am leaving a link below for you to join.

Scroll down, quick. ??

Cerberus | Tiny Monster | But Packs A Big Punch

Of all the stats that we discussed so far, the one ability that stands out is the self-healing one. Now, when we are in a low mana battle, the chances are that the opponents will not have a high attack value. In such circumstances, the Cerberus can stand in for a round and can heal itself a bit in the next one. In the meantime, our monsters would have attacked the opposition enough if not taken them out completely. That’s the biggest advantage of the Cerberus.

Of course, strategy matters a lot, but if you are a newcomer, you will not think strategically but rather how to survive and win. Strategy comes later, and there are many that surround the Cerberus. In fact, I remember the first time I played the Cerberus. I was sold on to the card. The only time the Cerberus seemed lacking in a low mana battle was when the opponent had the Living Lava. For those that know the Living Lava’s capabilities, it takes reduced attacks from melee and ranged attackers. And that did me in. ??

Anyway, that was still an exception to the rule. Cerberus still rules when it comes to low mana and medium mana battles. Let’s see the Cerberus in action.

The Cerberus in Battle

I took the Cerberus in a high mana battle. While I was speaking about the Cerberus as the best one in small and medium mana battles, how do we expect it to play in a high mana one? Well, it can come in but won’t be the main tank in battle. That is easy to understand, I am sure.

The other thing about the battle is that there are no magic attackers in the battle. That does not affect the Cerberus much. What affects is the reverse-speed rule. The Cerberus is one of the faster monsters and so not really the best fit for the reverse-speed rule. That said, we can have other monsters which are slower and thus complement the Cerberus.

Now on to the battle.


The Face-Off

At the face-off screen, we know that I have gone with the Fire Splinter (obviously) while the opponent has taken the Dragon Splinter in combination with the Water Splinter. Considering that there are no magic attackers seems to be a good strategy by the opponent. So, how will it go? We don’t know but let’s start with getting to know each other’s lineup.

We will start with the opponent’s lineup.

**Summoner:** Drake of Arnak | Dragon Splinter | Gives one shield to all friendly monsters.


Position 1: Eleven Defender | A melee attacker with an attack value of two and high health. Comes with three armor.

Position 2: War Chaang | Monster with both ranged and melee attack. It also has a retaliate ability and can be a good tank too.

Position 3: Serpent of Eld | Melee attacker with an attack value of three.

Position 4: Azmare Harpoonist | Ranged attacker with an attack value of three.

Position 5: Giant Squid | Ranged attacker with an attack value of two. Comes with armor.

Position 6: Mantoid | Ranged attacker with an attack value of two. It has the snipe ability.

The War Chaang and the Serpent do not have sneak or opportunity ability. As such, they will not attack till they reach the first position. I can’t call it a bad strategy as mine, too, is somewhat similar.

Let’s look at my team.

**Summoner:** Malric Inferno | Fire Splinter | Increases the melee attack value of all friendly melee monsters by one.


Position 1: Magnor | Melee attacker with an attack value of four. It also has taunt ability causing all enemy monsters to attack it only.

Position 2: Fineas Rage | Melee attacker with an attack value of two. It has reach ability and hence can attack from the second position.

Position 3: Sand Worm | Melee attack monster with an attack value of five. It can attack from any position.

Position 4: Molten Ogre | Melee attack monster with an attack value of three. It also has the demoralize ability, which reduces the melee attack value of enemy monsters by one.

Position 5: Cerberus | Our champion with an attack value of two. It can’t attack from this position.

Position 6: Pyromancer | Ranged attacker with an attack value of two. It also has blast ability causing damage to the nearby monsters too.

As you can see, I, too, have two melee attackers who cannot attack until they are in the first position. That makes me even-stevens with the opponent. However, at least one of my melee attackers has the demoralize ability, which does affect the opponent’s monsters. That is a plus point.

Now let’s see how the battle progresses.


The Battle Gets Intense

Once started, a barrage of attacks followed on the Magnor. That kept the other monsters safeguarded for good.

While my monsters did attack the opponent, the additional armor because of their summoner safeguarded them. As such, the only visible attack on the opponent’s monster is the loss of armor. I was still on a sticky wicket, therefore. ?

But the second round seemed to be better for me. The attacks took out the Mantoid and the Elven Defender. With my Magnor still standing, it seemed that I was at an advantage.


The Battle Races to Conclusion

While I thought that I had the advantage, it seemed to fizzle out fast. In just the next couple of rounds, I lost my first three monsters bringing the Molten Ogre to the front. We were pretty even stevens once again. The only advantage I had was the Cerberus also in the lineup while the opponent just had two ranged attackers after the Serpent.

To cut a long story short, the two ranged attackers worked in my favor. The Molten Ogre stood undefeated, and that was it for the opponent. However, our champ, Cerberus, never got to go out into battle. I am sure it would have made an impact too.

As of now, without the Cerberus barking, I won the battle!! ??

Do I Use the Cerberus Often?

In the early days of Splinterlands, I was almost always using the Cerberus whenever I used the Fire Splinter. That changed a bit later. I got the Living Lava from the market, and that was the only melee tank that could rival the Cerberus in low mana battles.

As the Living Lava could reduce the damage from melee and ranged attackers, it became the obvious choice. But even then, low mana battles were always a choice between Living Lava and the Cerberus. The Cerberus still goes into battle with me. ??

So, yeah, I do use it even now.

Where Else Does the Cerberus Fit In?

The Cerberus fits in many situations that we have already discussed and more so in a few of the rules benefitting it. Now, one of the most obvious ones is the health-equalizer rule. When the health-equalizer rule is in play, the Cerebrus becomes high on health and has self-healing. It becomes virtually indestructible. Also, with the Malric Inferno as a summoner, its attack value increases by one. That makes it a great tank, even for the high mana battles.

The other situations where the Cerberus fits perfectly are the “melee monsters can attack from any position” rule and the opportunity rule. So, we can keep the Cerberus virtually anywhere, and it will deliver its attack. And even if it were attacked, it would self-heal, and that makes it pretty wicked!! ??

Just imagine the health-equalizer rule and the opportunity rule being in play at the same time. The Cerberus would be indestructible and unstoppable. How’s that for a monster? ??

How Does the Cerberus Level Up?

So far, we only talked about the Cerberus at level one, but what happens as it levels up?

It becomes even more nuclear. At level five, the Cerberus gets the retaliate ability which means it would not be happy taking any attacks and will give it back. Hmm. That should instill some fear in the opponent’s heart. ??

The Cerberus gets an attack value of four at the very top, and its speed increases to five. But the best part is that its health increases to nine. Remember, this is only a monster with a mana cost of four. Imagine how much is packed into a tiny monster. That makes Cerberus one of the obvious choices too.

The Cerberus | Dependable Card

As we have seen in different conditions, the Cerberus is quite an adaptable card. For sure, the low and medium mana battles suit it, but it would require some complimentary rules in play for the high mana battles. No doubt, it can still hold the fort in many differing situations, and I have only come out on top whenever I had used it.

I have no complaints about the Cerberus and believe it is one of the most dependable cars in the Fire Splinter!!

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**Image Courtesy:** Splinterlands


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