Some trading with a shitcoin

Hello friends of block-chain;

From time to time I choice a trade to try to get a good moment (momentum) of a move. Exploring some choices I saw ETN, XYO and DAPP. I saw DAPP is doing a move since yesterday. It very volatile, kind of scare when going down, but it could get still a good move as it looks with good volume.

(Screenshot from Trading View chart)

I just enter some minutes ago with some monies...

(Screenshot from KUCOIN Exchange)

I bought at 8 Satochis and 56 fractions. It is scare because a little move down and you see at less 10% lost. Just like in the leverage experience. But a big difference here is I can wait the long I decide to wait no matter what. Of course I would like to close in Gain. But sometimes it is better to assume the lost.

Well for now, I am in the wave of this crazy shitcoin. I am waiting till tomorrow to see if any change to get close to 12 Satochis.

In the meantime, I am doing me Harvest of KUBIC, ONE, and ADA.

Note: This is a post already published at my PeakD blog today Sunday 24 October 2021.