Some thoughts on daily staff or how to find an exit point in a bull market.

We are in the midst of a bull market, and unprecedented euphoria. New Funds, New Money, Elon Maks, New ATH, FOMO....

But many of us remember how cold "crypto winter" can be, so in order to be prepared for the worst and not to get into a crazy euphoria, let's see when and what is the best time to fix profits, and save mind and nerves.

I will give you some details of my strategy and thinking about it, and you yourself DYOR, ok bro?)

The market can't grow forever, selling consists of having a buyer. Wishing and expecting perpetual growth is the same as looking for a land, where there are only peaks of mountains without a base...

Maybe somewhere there is, but in this world it's hardly possible.

Stay calm, in balance with you inner Filings


For me the most important indicator is my inner feelings, from the deal, from the market, from the project ...

When I face with the choice to make more profits on potentially grow, or to make less profits on the fall, I look at my feelings.

I play out how I will feel about a particular project with the specific piece of capital I'm risking. For me it's a like meditation or a mental game.

When the dice are dropped and the steak is done, I stick to the strategy and constantly look at how and what I can improve it according to my goals and objectives and the market situation.

As example only 15% of my capital, I keep in farms on ether, even though I love it with all my soul and believe in its long term prospects.


Just for my capital amount of $ 100 + per transaction, is not critical, but makes me strain, so let it be, but without me)

My conclusion for ETH projects for now, is that I choose what you will not touch, maybe a year, and maybe more, than drop and forget.

Example #badger DIGG/BTC in the first day of it release I have a felling WOW, I will take part in this party.

Determined a comfortable amount, which I can stake and forget, and that's it. Now just watch and do not touch it.

All right, that's enough of that part...

More to come, you give a likes, I'll keep you in the loop of my thoughts.