Social media shift to crypto





Gone are the days when social media giants used to work in a way as per their wish by not sharing their earnings with the users of the platform mainly because of there monopoly in the field. But with crypto getting more popular and its adoption looking Imminent social media platforms linked to crypto have mushroomed all over the places and newer ones get added to the list with each passing day. It goes for both styles shorter as well as  longer posts.


There used to be times when Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc never used to give an option of earning to a common man like you and me but the earnings were limited only to professionals or influencers who understood the technical aspects of the platform.


Q1 of 2020 saw many social media platforms being launched which were linked to the promotion of their own cryptocurrency and you are seeing this post of mine on one of such platforms only, the only applicable difference being it was launched a couple of months prior to Q1 2020. The pace of launching such platforms became faster or got intensified in the following quarters.


Would like to share with you all that when in Q4 2019 became aware of the crypto angle linked to social media sites got more than interested in the new development so without looking right or left started the signup spree and it was in the wake of it that signed up first on  UHIVE followed by READ.CASH & then PublishOx. Now to share an interesting titbit associated with all three is that have not been active on either partly because got busy with some personal engagements and then signed up on Uptrennd.





I had signed up for UHIVE towards the fag end of Q3 2019 and day before yesterday was approached by the same friend who had introduced me to the platform, when he disclosed that he has collected 135 K of UHIVE (HVE2) that my interest was rekindled, it was trading at 0.004 $. UHIVE is giving 300 tokens on every sign-up, 300  to the person signing up and 100 to the inviter too. Yesterday i did a short post on it and was active for about 10-15 mins and was a bit pleasantly surprised when saw that my account had been credited 35 tokens on account of being active.




The current number of tokens I have earned are - 1686


As per the current notification from them 


UHIVE is currently running an airdrop at the moment but whatever tokens are accumulated through this campaign can not be withdrawn before December 2021 as it will affect the liquidity and the price of the token. 


preview not available




If anybody is interested in signing up can download the app from play store and can use the code VO5DU.?


Thanks for Reading !??


Have a blessed day !

You may read the post on my blog on Uptrennd too-