Sell ​​bitcoin and buy altcoins? Why this strategy is considered extremely risky among experts

Содержание статьи:

  1. Risky strategy - Bitcoin experts agree
  2. The big profits are made with hodling

he Bitcoin price is currently in a rather unsettling sideways movement above the USD 9,000 mark. Although there are many reasons to be very bullish on BTC in the long term, some people already speak of a "post-halving depression". The situation is different with some altcoins this year. It was only this week that "Dogecoin" made headlines throughout the crpyo space when the course was massively pumped through TikTok. But other altcoins were also able to outperform Bitcoin (+ 28%) this year: Ethereum (+ 83%), Tezos (+ 92%), Cardano (+ 258%) and Chainlink (+ 236%).

With these wins, some are already talking about an altcoin season. Some sell parts of their BTC position to buy altcoins, “take away” the higher profits and then buy more bitcoin again. How promising is this strategy? In this article we give you some ideas for this.

The strategy mentioned above, to increase your bitcoins by buying Altcoin in the meantime, of course sounds promising at first. In reality, however, the strategy is difficult to implement because it requires that you know beforehand which of the 5,600 cryptocurrencies will perform better than Bitcoin.

On the other hand, if you invest after a pump like Dogecoin this week, it is usually too late for the profits and you are more likely to lose money through a subsequent dump.

For these reasons, many experts agree that it is not a sensible strategy to sell Bitcoin in order to then buy Bitcoin again with Altcoin profits. The well-known analyst PlanB describes this strategy this week on Twitter as "strange logic".

Jason Williams, partner at crypto company Morgan Creek Digital, also sees the Bitcoin-Altcoin strategy as "super risky". In his opinion, most of the profits are made by holding Bitcoin long term:

People sell BTC to buy altcoins and full s ** t coins. I think it's super risky. I am sure that if a really honest historical analysis were done, it would show that holding is a superior strategy. Just like individual stock buyers are losers compared to those who use an index.

his is also the opinion of Matt D'Souza, CEO of the mining startup Blockware Mining. According to him, it is completely irrelevant which exact Bitcoin price you are currently entering if you assume that the Bitcoin price will reach USD 20,000, 50,000 or even 100,000 in the long term.

Buying at $ 8500 versus $ 9300 has 0 relevance.