Search with Decentralized Search Engine : Presearch

Having problems on the concern regarding data privacy while using search engine like Google. Let me present you to the world's first decentralized search engine which powered directly by crypto token (PRE). An individual can search on PRESEARCH to earn PRE token. It doesn't track your data as huge tech giants like Google does.



Get started with the presearch with this link : Presearch


Points to be remembered while searching in Presearch

User must search in presearch as in normal usage . If someone use presearch just to earn the PRE token and  keeps randomly searches the content in Presearch. Then there is PRE Level which determine the amount of token that can be withdrawn from reward based on user's searches.

Brief Scenario regarding token withdrawal are listed below based on PRE token:

PRE Level = Tokens eligible for withdrawal

Level 8–10: 100%

Level 7: 70%

Level 6: 60%

Level 5: 50%

Level 4: 40%

Level 3: 30%

Level 2: 20%

Level 1: 10%

Level 0: None (Members will retain their existing tokens and can still search, but will not earn new PRE tokens until their PRE Level rises to Level 1 or above)


Presearch has features of keyword staking where you can stake the PRE token for particular keyword. Here, An individual can display advertisement/websites for that particular keyword.



As in above figure, you can stake your PRE token to show advertisement on keyword Manchester United. It results to show your content when someone else search for the keyword Manchester United.

Running a Pre Search Node

Currently, running a presearch node is in testing phase. Presearch is currently operating all of the nodes on the main production engine. The presearch team's main plan is to run search engine as a multiple nodes on decentralized manner.

Running  a presearch Node :

1. Install Docker

2. Register your node and get a registration code at

3. Run following commands.

  • docker pull presearch/node
  • docker run -it --rm -v presearch-node-storage:/app/node --name presearch-node -e REGISTRATION_CODE=YOUR_CODE_HERE presearch/node

Paste the your registration code from step 2 in YOUR_CODE_HERE in above command


In order to receive an award for running the presearch node, user must stake a minimum of 1000 PRE token. However, user can just run a node without staking PRE token. I have been running the node just for supporting this project as it is a revolutionary search engine.


If user want to stake 1000 PRE token then user can buy/exchange token via KuCoin, Uniswap.


An individual can refer to earn 25 PRE token via Presearch referal Program. Just like my referal :