Rising Star Progress #Day 244 || Coming Back to Normality

Welcome one more day to my Rising Star space. Today I am back to selling and buying instruments and I also want to talk to you about the price of starbits.

Let's start by talking about the price of starbits.

The price of starbits fell after a week at 0.00030 Hive and since yesterday it is holding at 0.00022 Hive.

My intention is to wait a bit longer to see what happens with the price of starbits because I think it may fall a bit more. If it stays more days at this price it is very possible that I will buy starbits again and open packs almost daily.

Today I put the following instruments on sale.

I managed to sell 1 rare instrument and 11 common instruments (instruments that are not useful for my music lessons), so I bought 1 rare orchestral instrument and 11 common orchestral instruments (1 oboe and 11 French Horn).

Thanks to these purchases, the skill points I can get from completing music lessons have increased a little bit more.


My main goal is going to be to get Juliet's letter to start completing the Valentine's Day quests and have a chance to get the Valentine's Day instruments.

My main idea is to wait a bit longer to see what happens with the price of starbits, as I think it can still go down further. Soon I will start buying starbits again and go back to my usual routine of opening packs almost every day. This way, I'll be able to get Juliet's letter and start completing the Valentine's quests so I can get the Valentine's instruments.

Yesterday I stayed in 38th position. Let's see my position today.

I have dropped one more position. It's normal that I started to drop positions, as I haven't opened packs for many days. In fact, I'm quite surprised that I didn't drop more positions, because I thought that other people would keep moving forward opening packs and I would drop positions because I didn't open packs and I was selling the starbits I earned, but it wasn't like that and it seems that other people did the same as me.

Now the situation is starting to normalise, as the price of starbits has fallen. Soon I will start acquiring starbits again and I will reopen packs almost every day in order to keep moving forward. My goal is to stay in the top 50 until the middle of the year.


The festival is currently being held in Taiwan until the 9th of February when it will be held in the Philippines.

I was lucky enough to get the Taiwan wristband the day after it became available. The bracelet has a curious colour combination that appeals to me as I was not familiar with the Taiwan flag. It looks like this.

There have been 30 festivals already and I have the bracelet from all of them. I hope to continue like this and get the bracelet from all the festivals as that is my main goal.


I'm already on the last island as I managed to unlock all the zones.

My goal now is to unlock the missions in the last zone. The next mission I need to unlock requires me to reach level 250 to unlock it.

Today I've gone up a new level, I'm already at level 227. Day by day I keep advancing towards my goal and I see it getting closer and closer, which fills me with enthusiasm.



CARDS: 4272


LUCK: 36302

SKILL: 398287

IM: 3218

LEVEL: 227