Ride the Wave of a Small West Texas Town PRODIGY with Jetcoin @JETNFT

Imagine being able to feel a part of a burgeoning young soccer superstar like Kylian Mbappe or Erling Haaland.  That feeling is now possible thanks to Jetcoin.

But today I want to share the story of a different kind of player, one that I personally feel more connected to, because of his path and his story.  This the type of player I would like to invest in, be a part of and it is all possible now because of this new coin.  Before I tell you the story of this player, let look at some of the basics of Jetcoin ($JET).

It was the first of its kind to to sponsor a soccer club, Italian Serie A’s A.C Chieroverona.  They have gone on to sponsor Hellas Verona (Serie A), and EFL team, FA Cup games and have digital banner advertising at Premier League games.  So the word is getting out on this coin that aims to disrupt the sports world through blockchains and NFTs.

But what is really cool is the fact that it is digital fuel that gives anyone the ability to own IP rights to up-and-coming athletes or teams.  Through JET NFTs, fans can purchase various forms of artwork and collectables for talent in the sports and entertainment industries.  The talent can monetize themselves early while fans can gain profit with their NFTs when the talent develops causing their items become more valuable allowing anyone to ride the wave of a PRODIGY.

They say to invest in what you know.  Well I don't live in Europe of South American and the fact that I used soccer above should have clued you into the fact that I live in the country where football is a sport not actually played with the "foot".  I actually live in Texas, in the Dallas area, which is actually pretty soccer crazy especially on the youth level.  Our local club, FC Dallas, just sold 18-year-old Ricardo Pepi for and MLS record $20M and he is just one in a long growing list of players transferred to Europe.  Some players, like Westin McKinnie of Juventus, also grew up in the area but moved on their own to Europe.

I actually coach my son's within my own academy in the area so I certainly get to see a lot of promising young talent.  But before my coaching days, there was a young boy who was born in Nacodoches, a small west Texas town about 380 miles from Dallas and not the sort of place a soccer prodigy might get his start.

The family wasn't rich by any means and for much of his youth he grew up in a trailer park where he and his brother Ryan would play soccer with the local Hispanic children.  Ryan was noticed by a Dallas area club known as the Dallas Texans.  My son also happens to play for that club in addition to being in my academy.  You can only imagine how much time the brother spent on the road driving back and forth between his small west Texas town and Dallas.  Needing to stretch his legs after the long car ride, the young boy would mess with a ball juggling it and trying new tricks which didn't go unnoticed by the Texans coaching staff who offered him a tryout.

He did join the team but had to quit because the family couldn't afford the dues after his sister, Jennifer, needed the money for tennis.  She was a ranked player but unfortunately she passed away at just 16 from a brain aneurysm.  The boys family now had the the funds for him to resume soccer and he had the motivation to compete in honor of his sister. 

He became a huge fan of Argentina thanks to the brilliance of Diego Maradona.  He had hoped to see the soccer legend play in Dallas at the Cotton Bowl in 1994 when the USA hosted the World Cup but Maradona decided not to play.  He went onto play soccer at Furman University further developing his skills with the Paladins. 

Now this background doesn't sound like someone who would do much in the sport of soccer, sorry football.  But prodigies can come from anywhere and follow any path which is the exciting part of sports and why Jetcoin is such a great concept.  Who in your area will become the next sports or entertainment superstar?

The boy from Nacodoches would eventually play in the MLS for the New England Revolution before a $4M transfer would see him off to Fulham in the Premier League.  The Cottagers were no stranger to Americans already having US internationals Carlos Bocanegra and Brian McBride on the squad.  Neither would have quite the same impact as the man who first appeared against Tottenham in 2007, the same year my first son was born.  He would get his first goal against Liverpool later that year in a 1-0 win.  In the 2011-12 season he would notch 15 goals becoming the first American to record 50 goals in the Premier League.  He would transfer the following season to the team he made his debut against - Tottenham - for around $9M dollars.  

By now you may have figured out the name of the little boy from west Texas, Clint Dempsey.  He finished his career back in the US playing with Seattle and leading the Sounder to new heights.  A string of injuries and an irregular heartbeat would be factors in his decision to hang up his cleats but not before he tied the US international record for goals with 57 goals (tied with Landon Donovan).

Who will be the next Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar or even Dempsey?  Perhaps you have a feeling watching a little boy, or girl, on a local pitch in your area.  It can be anywhere, even a dusty worn out little patch of grass near a trailer park in Nacodoches Texas.  With the technology today, you can discover emerging talent all over the world, right from your own home.  The information is out there an now you can be part of the ride thanks to Jetcoin.