Raid: Shadow Legends, beginning guide.

Raid: Shadow Legends is a fantasy-MMORPG game which has greatly expanded its lineup of players over the past year. Its structure is of a classic turn-based game whit the old fantasy style as its base, nothing new in essence. But is gameplay is very well set up, there are many things to do to grind equipment and resources useful for the game account. This will be a short guide to understand how to start in this game and I'll give you some advice to advantage of the various resources that you'll receive.



The Beginning

First of all you have to select a champion who will be your starter and will help you in the first basic things of the game. The first advice (KEY) is to select how your first champion Kael. Kael is the best champion for the start, one of the few rare champions worth bringing to lv. 60. He will help you for all: dungeons, arena, faction war, farming and clan boss ( is the only starter that cast poison against enemy).




Alternatively you can select Elhain if you want more AoE (area attack), but you will have more problem with clan boss if you don't find a good poisoner. The other two champions (Athel and Galek) are strongly discouraged. 





After the selection of the first champion you will do a tutorial about the base of the game. At the end of the tutorial stop your hand! The first thing you have to do is to equip well your starter. To do this start to go forward in the campaign with only two champions (to always reach the third star) and never spend the silver, gems and shards received from the completion rewards. At some point you should have some good pieces of equipment: this will be the time to change them to the attack champion (Kael) and upgrade them to level 12. From then on the rest will be more automatic, except for the most difficult levels of the campaign (hard, brutal).



The shards

The shards are the most important part of continuing the game and finding powerful champions. You can get them as daily rewards, from clan boss crates, from classified arena series, as rewards for completing stars in campaign and faction wars, and farming in dungeons for equipment. The advice to follow (categorical from the start) is to wait for the events of doubling the odds on the outing of epic and legendary champions. If you don't find many champions at the beginning and have some ancient or sacred shards to open, keep them !! Events of doubling the odds are not uncommon, so resist and exploit them at the right moment.



Warning: there are two types of events
  • The 10x which multiplies the probability of finding an epic or legendary champion objective, but not that of bringing out epic and legendary champions. So if for example there is a legendary with 10x and your initial probability of finding legendaries is 0.5%, you will still have a 0.5% chance of finding a legendary, but in case it should be time to get you out the legendary you will have 10x of getting that specific champion.
  • The 2x which multiplies the general probability to find epic and legendary. Then if you have initially the 8 % to find an epic, with 2x you'll have the 16 %.

Another method free to play to obtain ancient shards is to buy them with gems.



The gems

With gems you can shop some helpfull for your account: XP accelerator for champions, ancient shards and energy. The best thing is to use them for shards and energy. The energy allows you to play in dungeons and in campaign for farming XP and silver. An important structure is the gems mine that you can develop with other gems to obtain other during the time. Instead, it is useless to use gems to unlock training zones for champions.


The objectives

Another important part for those starting to play are definitely the objective missions. These missions are very much in line with the evolution of the same account, so you must absolutely follow them so as not to have to recover them later. The rewards provided are also great, so it's definitely worth getting them as soon as possible.

There are three principal kind of objectives: 

  • The missions (which provide a legendary to their conclusion)
  • The quests (daily, weekly, monthly, advanced)
  • The challenges



It's all for now, the next time I explain you other structure in the game going step by step.









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