Raid: Shadow Legends, Beginners guide #3

This third part of the guide about Raid: Shadow Legends will explain you what is the best way to farm in the campaign with only one champions (with in squad other three ''chicken'' champions)  and to complete every campaign field with 3 stars.


How to farm rapidly chicken for your best champions


The best way to farming XP for your chicken champions is to use the first champions you choose, usually are Kael or Elhain (in my case Elhain), and built it to be able to finish the station in the shortest possible time. Usually the best built is one in which your champions is full offensive with almost 200 speed. Obviously you have to reach a minimum of attack to be sure to kill all the enemy and thus avoid losing first for the lack of defense. 




The principal stats that you have to boost are then:
  • Speed ( almost 200)
  • Critic Rate (full, then 100%)
  • Critic Damage (as much as possible)
  • Attack (as much as possible)

But there are some case (especially for who is in difficulty with the dungeons that drop equipments) in which you are not able to get the minimum to kill every enemy without being hit. In this case you have to reach the best built to withstand even for the few hits that arrive.

For example I built my Elhain with a Lifestel set because my built is not the best to end rapidly the fight. In fact I need a Banner that have how principal stats ''ATK''.

Another basic is to develop the branches of mastery. In fact the mastery give to your champions needful buff that will help you in the built.


The masteries  that you have to unlock to farm the campaign in the best way are:



  • Deadly Precision (+5% C. Rate)
  • Keen Strike (+10% C. Damage)
  • Heart of Glory (+5% Damage if your champion have full HP)
  • or (in base to your champions roles) Shield Breaker (+25% damage against enemy with Shield Buff, and it's necessary to unlock ''Ruthless Ambush'')
  • Single Out (+8% damage against enemy with less than 40% HP)
  • Whirlwind of Death (+6 speed for every enemy killed by this champions up to a maximum of +18, stacks across each round in a battle)
  • Ruthless Ambush (+8 damage with the first hit on each enemy)
  • Bring it Down (+6% damage against enemy with higher MAX HP) and is useful in Nightmare campaign
  • Cycle of violence ( has a 30% chance of decreasing the cooldown of a random skill by 1 turn if the damage inflicted by a skill exceeds 30% of the target’s max HP)





Tot. damage earned: +29% (if every condition is verified)

Tot speed earned: +18 at the first round of the battle 

30% probability to reduce skills cooldown (important for AoE skills)


These masteries are needed to finish each cycle as quickly as possible.



The best campaign field to farm





Not all locations have the same distribution on the amount of XP given at the same difficulty level. In fact, the best area is the Brimstone Path, both for XP and for the silver obtainable from the completion and sale of the artifacts that make much more. In particular, the third phase releases the shield of the set curing, the most expensive piece dropped from the campaign stations. In fact with Brutal difficulty in the stage 3, the XP gained are 17,304 and silver 10,550 (excluding the sale of the shield). With the 2x XP are 34,608 (to be divided into the champions to train). And in Nightmare difficulty the XP gained are 38,416 and the silver 18,741 (excluding the sale of the shield).



Plus, farming in this phase is easier if you use your starting champion. In fact, the champions were divided into several colors called '' affinity '' (magic, spirit force, void). The starter are only magic and the enemy of the stage 3 in Brimstone Path are only spirit, then your magic champion will never make weak hit ( because if he did he could not exploit the critic rate).

I will talk about the various kind of affinity and champions in the next guide.





How to finish the Nightmare campaign with only two champions and obtain 3 stars in each stage





Personally I still haven't been able to go on, mainly due to a point in the campaign that is too difficult for my strongest champion (the Tyrant Ixlimor) that I unfortunately have to rebuild. But the simplest strategy I've been able to identify if you have only one really strong champion (possibly a void champion like Bellower) is to use the Paragon champion paired with him.

In fact, Paragon is practically immortal when built with a lot of resistance to debuffs and complete with tomes for the skills. In fact, his strongest skill is placing an UNKILLABLE buff for two turns every two turns. The strategy is to keep Paragon at level 30 for enemies to target and build the other champion with a Lifesteal set to avoid any deaths.















Here's my install link for Raid: Shadow Legends. Get it through this link and both of us will get some free stuff to boost us along!



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