Quick Update - CoinGecko Portfolio Feature

CoinGecko - the popular cryptocurrency exchange tracker, and primary competitor to CoinMarketCap - has recently launched a portfolio management feature on its live site.

The portfolio option enables users to track their purchases, sales and intra-crypto transfers of the various assets listed on the CoinGecko site.

CoinGecko is by no means the first site to offer the portfolio tracking option, but given that its price information is relied upon heavily within the ecosystem, this is still a much-welcomed update.

In particular, CoinGecko tends to list price information for various smaller cap coins long before the same are picked up by other trackers, such as CoinMarketCap. This should allow altcoin traders to more accurately track their entire holdings from a single platform.

The portfolio feature is available here - https://cryptofans.ru.coingecko.com/en/portfolio.