Puzzle #8 Solution

The image in concern is an abstract representation of a bridge. The image contains 12 columns of different sizes, each of which contains different numbers of lines. The challenge is to extract information about the 12-word mnemonic phrase for the Vite wallet.

Let us take a closer look at the image.

Title: Bridge

Each of the 12 columns contains information about one word of the 12-word mnemonic phrase, as well as its position within that phrase.

Here is how we solve the puzzle.

The “bar” at the bottom of the image contains the position of each of the 12 words, while the columns themselves contain information about the words. 

Information about the position of the words is encoded in binary: blue = 0; black = 1. Once we decode the information, we get this:

Next, the number of lines in each segment of the column gives us a number, like this:

We put these numbers together to give us information about the mnemonic words. In this case, “1448” refers to the 1448th word on the BIP-39 word list. The BIP-39 list is a list of 2048 words. All the words in seed phrases are taken from this list. The 1448th word is “reject”.

Do the same for the other columns, and you will eventually get the following:

1          reject

2          oil

3          swift

4          season

5          tree

6          dice

7          fetch

8          brand

9          truly

10        novel

11        text

12        royal

And the puzzle is solved!