Publish0x's Value is Immense during this Market Rebound

In my earnings article a few days back, I talked about the profitability of PUBLISH0X and how effective the methods of obtaining crypto are. I also mentioned that no matter how small the amount, it could one day be very important, as in the long term all of the profits we get are quite significant. I would like to elaborate further on how these small amounts can grow and how this importance was proven with the recent bearish run we had, and the rebound we are experiencing currently.

For a bit of context, on the 24th of May i wrote my most popular article to date - Why now is the best time top tip and post! At the time the price of basically every important crypto in the market and the ones we get on P0x were at their lowest in recent times. Because of this, tipping and posting was highly beneficial, since the way in which P0x gives out crypto is that the $ cost is always the same. So if a tip was worth $0.1, the amount of AMPL or iFARM that you got would always be equivalent to $0.1. Therefore if the price of those tokens went down you would get more of the tokens but they would still be worth $0.1 in that moment.

At the exact time that article was posted AMPL's price was around $0.5, currently (or rather yesterday) the price was $2.0, with that in mind any tips that you got that day would be 4 times larger today than they were then. So your theoretical $0.1 tip would now be $0.4. And if not that much, it still currently at about 3 times it's price at $1.5. In any case you quadrupled or tripled the money you got just a few months before cause you tipped during low period in the market. This proves that using P0x during bearish markets provides a hell of a lot of value to users.

Not to leave out iFARM and ETH that were also available at the time, iFARM has doubled since then and ETH has also had an increase of about 25% so there are profits all around if you get the crypto out in time and trade it for another asset.

So that's about it, using the power of Publish0x we can make significant profits if we play the game right and look at the small gains we get through tipping and writing as just stepping stones towards a future massive investment that we could have since we got on the train early. It's really simple when you look at it but it's not easy to spot when all you see at that moment is small amounts being added to your account. Hopefully through reading my explanation in this article you see both the potential of the site/blog and crypto as a whole to evolve further and bring in more profits for all of us.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it!

Passive income sites I use:
Honeygain - - Get money by sharing your unused internet
Pi Network - - Start mining Pi coin for free while you still can
Bee Network - - Similar to Pi but still in early stages so the profits might be even larger
Publish0X (This site) - - Not really passive (for now) but a great place to earn Crypto