Publish0x and Coinbase: Great News.

Over the last few weeks COINBASE have added to their portfolio of carried currencies. Added currencies have included:

Then at some point in the last few days, the following appeared:

This has completed the Coinbase loop with all three tipping currencies (BAT, ETH and now LRC) now being available on their platform.

I don’t know about anybody else but this is great news as, while it may be a mistake to stick with Coinbase due to high fees (although please remember I have learnt how to mitigate most of their fees) I didn’t really want to start messing about with additional wallet services. The simpler something is the better it often is.

So since I joined PublishOx I have not made a single Loopring withdrawal and have built up a nice little pile. Now I have somewhere to put them and in these times of crashing prices it will be a welcome bonus to my portfolio.

Over the last few days I have seen a few false dawns and even blogged on them as the dip seems to be slowing and turning, but frankly I don’t know how long it will last as only BitCoin seems to be making a slow, gritty comeback.

Among others I am Hodling OMG Network and all I can say about them is OMG!!!

Recently I mentioned the massive depreciation of Cosmos, but OMG has gone even further. So Coinbase adding Loopring is a welcome boost in the arm (at least for me anyway).

Let’s hope it won’t be a long winter and the first signs of spring appear.