Presearch - this is the way

In the search engines that we use today, Google is the juggernaut, the established emperor, whom we all by default have to use, as it is pre-installed in our phones, laptops, desktop computers, and pads. This gives it an unfair  and non-merited advantage with other engines.

Nevertheless, as the history of the internet has shown, different eras have given rise to different engines, serving their purpose in the respective digital epochs. From the ancient now Archie, to Webcrawl, Infoseek, Yahoo!, MSN/Bing, Altavista coming at the same time or before Google.

You will probably not remember most of them, unless you are of a certain age group or quite internet savvy. Now, we are moving into another direction, after Google's near monopoly, to a direction where users have a stake in what and how they use their search engines, and in that direction PRESEARCH is an innovator.


Better search results

It has been far evident in the past few years, that search engines tend produce search results based on their ad revenue algorithms. Therefore, quality results are often obscured further down, in the next pages of the result page taking us valuable time to identify what we are looking for. When it comes to controversial search topics, mainstream search engines exhibit an inherent bias towards those same results by pushing them further down the ranking of results or completely omitting them.

Let's take for example YouTube's search algorithm while accessing their platform and looking for videos of controversial figures such as Alex Jones. If you search his name on YouTube, a Google owned company, your most relevant results and first in the list will be the ones deriding and ridiculing him like the shows of John Oliver, Jimmy Kimmel and etc.

Don't get me wrong, Jones is a persona full of issues in his own accord. But, the most viewed and commented videos of him are his interviews with Joe Rogan, where we get to understand more about Jones and his character, where he comes off as an OK but some what troubled guy. Despite that, those interviews, 2-3 hours long each and with around 50 million views in total are buried by Google, because they do not fit a mainstream narrative.


Getting paid for using it through its native coin PRE

Let's get some straight talk here. Does Google pay you in some form for using its search engine? No, and it never will. You are treated as an expendable commodity that sustains its search ecosystem. You are the reason that advertisers sponsor their websites to rank up the first in your search list, but you never get anything in return. Well, things are completely different with PreSearch. The time you spend searching through their engine is rewarded in the form of PRE coins. Genuine and better searches getter better rewards. This is a healthy way to maintain an ecosystem.

Once you have enough PRE coins you can a) Withdraw to your wallet and then trade / sell them b) stake them; this way you make additional profit and redirect users to your staked/sponsored websites - This is similar to that what a company can do by purchasing PRE coins and then staking them to gets its ads through c) you can as a user support maintaining a decentralized quality search ecosystem and network by validating searches through nodes, making again a small profit in return.


Ending search monopoly

The internet is controlled by a handful of companies creating a near monopoly. These companies control what information we can access, how information is ranked, moving further down results that they do not profit with, or that they do not agree with their corporate agendas. Some results can in certain cases disappear through shadow banning. This is a travesty to the fundamentals of the internet such as the fast, easy, and unblocked access to information.

In the US and EU there has been a lot of anti-trust efforts against the likes of Google and Facebook, who bought whatever emerging competition for years and emerging as the self-anointed guardians of information. Thus, training ourselves to use alternatives, is doing our small bits in creating a better internet and giving an opportunity to smaller players, but with bright ideas and potential such as PreSearch to compete with internet giants in a more equal playing field.


Closing thoughts

With the speed in which technology and the internet change Google and its likes should have been obsolete, but they managed is through their lobbying (currently they are among the 2 first lobbyists in Washington along with Facebook) to hold their position of near monopoly through different means.

Things change though. The way we interact changes in such a speedy manner that we fail to grasp. For me, PreSearch is the way when it comes to search engines and Google is a mammoth refusing to relinquish its primacy. Presearch is the way, and this is not just a mantra or a simple slogan. This is a way of thought and acting in accordance with our principles of decentralized networks where users matter and what we receive it's genuine, original and meaningful content.

