Presearch ?

The scene takes place in a charming little town in the Basque Country, between Spain and France, on a sunny morning in front of a cafe during the sanitary measures.

I join a woman artist, who draws portraits in front of a store that sells excellent coffee to go.

The coffee is good, the meetings are pleasant although conditioned by the sanitary measures.

I find a woman of about fifty years old, we realize that we already know each other. I bought erotic comics when she was selling her small goods before selling the walls of her store.

In this space, there were concerts, plays, yoga classes, kung fu, conferences on sexuality.

It was a tiny stage, with a hand-picked audience.

After a few exchanges the memory comes back. She asked me what I had bought and laughed when I reminded her that I had brought 5 or 6 erotic comics with me. The price was quite low.

She blames her google browser for giving her boring ads all the time. She wonders about the respect of the private life. It seems that we are literally tracked by these tools that claim to be at our service.

Naturally, I come to talk to her about some life-changing tools... What's special about them?

Instead of making money on our backs, some products give us some... BRAVE browser and Presearch... Was this a way for me to repay her generosity? Yes, because it allowed me to take away some comics for a price lower than their real value. But she wanted to clear the air!

At that time, I had several comics that I sold at the market on Saturday mornings. There was no question of erotic content but rather comics of history, war, adventure. So I was more or less interested in getting my hands on any comic book at a good price. Naturally, collecting cryptos and comics seemed to go hand in hand. I had met a young man who was on the same wavelength, but a notch above in terms of investments, having bought a lot of comics and having more crypto-currencies as well as knowledge about crypto-currency than me. But we were happy to share about our common investments. He is a web professional and works abroad.

She writes everything down in her notebook... A little surprised but delighted to realize that it exists! As much as it is a search engine that respects our privacy and is efficient, it pays us a small amount for each search.

It deserved a little story!

Have a nice day and trade carefully!
