Popular Trading Platform EToro Running out of Crypto Assets?

Popular trading platform EToro is possibly running out of crypto due to the overwhelming amount of users jumping on the Crypto Craze!  I know I have told friends about EToro and have even put up a few links to join EToro so we can both be rewarded FREE crypto.  Antone who uses Etoro, you might want to exchange your coins to somewhere else just in case.



Well I would like to reverse that invitation. Etoro sent out A Caution email to all users:


 “possible limitations to crypto BUY orders” and that “spreads on crypto assets may also be much wider than usual.”



“The unprecedented demand for crypto, coupled with limited liquidity, presents challenges to our ability to support BUY orders over the weekend.”


   from: cryptorandgroup.


EToro might not be the only platform that will have to limit trading.  You may have noticed some of your platforms have been working extremely slow, to the point where you can't even see all the volatility going on because it's so hard to keep up with that many trades and people online.  We might just melt down the internet soon.. lol..  Well at least China will benefit and other countries because USA actually has one of the slowest Internet speeds in the world.  Yeah, I found that weird as well, but it's no secret.  We have been behind on Faster networks than other countries for years. With everyone being stuck at home doing more researching on the internet on how to live and make money, on-line gaming, Streaming movies, stock trading, and crypto trading.  I wouldn't be surprised if Networks all over the world are getting bogged down.


Be careful out there and keep an eye on your Platforms, ask questions, research to see if there is any other current news about the platforms in question.  Especially right now with Wall Street getting people all excited about it.   People reading the news.  Every headline has the word Crypto in it.


If any of yall find out information of other platforms you trade on having problems, please let me know, let us all know.  I am debating to take money out of COINBASE just because they are just so slow, and trading on there is not reliable with true prices.  They can't keep up with the traffic.


Thanks For Reading!


As always..






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