Personal thoughts on trading altcoins ---> be carefull


I would like to share some conclusions coming from my medium/large experience with cryptocurrencies trading, while stressing the fact that this is not an investment or trading advice, while maybe exactly the opposite.

I 've started trading just after the 2017 huge bull run, which is now almost 3 years away. After having make some calculations, I've concluded that if I've just had HOLD Bitcoin I would have done way better than what's my actual situation.

The main error was to put too much money in altcoins: they may have big jumps sometimes, but in the long term most of them will underperform Bitcoin. So you have to be extremely carefull when you decide to go into a new project, most probably you will loose some money or some BTC equivalent if you wait too much before selling.

Be aware that when Bitcoin looses suddendly some % points , wich is happening more and more often, most of the altcoins loose even more points. My feeling is to go on altcoins just when there is a global positive upward movement in the cryptos, and sell soon when you start to smell fear in the market. 

I 'll now move to a portfolio make up of just BTC and Euro ( I'm in Italy, but I'll prefer euro over USD cause of greater inflation this last one has ); and I'm also considering putting most of my money in one exchange ( BINANCE ) cause there you can have a Eur wallet and Eur trading pairs (few, actually) and they offer also a "Euro-flexible saving product", with 2.0-2.5% annual return. 

If you still don't have a Binance account, consider opening one , it's really a good one and I trust them, so here my referral Link with WUCIXS9J being my referral ID; you will then enjoy a 10% trading fees reduction.

I suggest you Binance also for their new Binance Crypto Card, issued totally free.   I wrote an article about how I started using the Binance Card, is a funny one, in which of course I describe the main features,here the link.


Hope you enjoy life, see you soon :-) Thanks for reading and tipping