Only Fans is banning porn, and this is bad news for more people than just sex workers; it's a blow to freedom.

Only Fans is finally banning porn, to be effective as of October (according to BBC News and Variety). Does the company in particular have anything against pornographic content? No; it's co-owned by the guy who ran MFC, a popular streaming porn website that's 16 years old. He clearly has had no issue with previously being involved with porn or benefitting from sex work.

By now, this is probably not news to anyone who keeps an eye on this sort of content. While I wrote this piece at least a few days ago, Internet connectivity trouble and reaching my daily post limit prevented me from publishing it at the time. It is now 05:00 in the morning at time of writing/publication.

As if having to contend with harassment from entitled wank stains who're infuriated that women dare have the gall to have/want agency over their own bodies and try to make money in the process isn't bad enough, the site (and the adult entertainers who have accounts thereon) now have to contend with legal pressure. Most likely, this comes (pun not intended) from people suing OF and from payment processors who recently shut down most of Pornhub's revenue stream.

This sucks (and not in a good way), and is a consequence of a de facto legal system without any sort of oversight, likely pushed/lobbied by people who are either very conservative in their religious beliefs and horrified by sex, or who are sex-worker-exclusionary radical Feminists (SWERFs) and also horrified by sex.

The really scary/nasty thing is that "traditional" alternatives to Only Fans (non-crypto/non-Tor Onion sites) are also likely susceptible; as soon as they get big enough, they'll be subject to the same pressures.

Now, personally, I'm not going to give my opinions of sex work and sex workers, but I do see this as a problem. Yet again, it is a manifestation of the limitations of dealing/transacting in Fiat: Centralised corporations get to make and carry out pejorative policies that discriminate against marginalised groups because of a handful of people's prejudices and bigotry. I will state this, though: I'm siding with Bill Hicks here. For as long as advertising remains legal and permitted on the Web, nobody has the right to make judgements on pornography on the same.

Oh, FFS (pun not intended), people! It's the twenty-first century; stow your puritanical BS! We need some CumRocket (whitepaper here) and Spankchain up in here!

Well, so much for me staying off my soap box and not getting involved in other people's bullshit. Have a good weekend (assuming that you can), folks. Snark out!

Post thumbnail photo Copyright Snezhana Morozova on Deviant Art