Online jobs that pay you 50-65.000 $ monthly in bitcoin. no bullshit!!



Good Day friends 

I installed a crypto wallet the other day. Not sure how or when it was launched. As I did some reading on their site I came across their CAREER Section .I thought well just have a look at what kind of jobs these companies offer. I was amazed at some of the vacancies and offers that was available. Online jobs for Crypto Companies that pay you in Bitcoin monthly. Meaning they pay you 50-65.000 dollars a month but not in cash but in Bitcoin. Does not matter where in the world you are . Thats if you can get the job . I myself applied for 2 positions. I will give you the link address below . And wish you best of luck . Dont forget me when you get paid in BITCOIN .Some of the jobs are Contact. Meaning 1-6 Months. Some are permanent positions. I would love a job like that for sure. 


Here are some of they positions available I could not copy all of the job offers that was available. I will give you the link or website you can read and apply if your interested in any of the positions advertised.



There are many more vacancies available This is only an example to show you what they have available . There are easy jobs available and really High Paying Jobs available too. Well have a look yourself when you have some time. May the Best man win as they say . I am not an Author or Financial advisor of any sorts. I just share my experiences and if I can help someone out with a job working from home with this Covid going around. I will feel good about it . So excuse my spelling, grammar and grammar. I am not a Native English Speaker but I am sure you will understand it. LOL

Here is a link to the site.

Download the Best Crypto Wallet for Desktop & Mobile | Exodus

Exodus Careers or


Let me know in the comment section about any advice or feedback or ideas you have . Love to hear them . Have a nice day !


God Bless $$$